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Before Bretonnians went the way of 40k Space Dwarfs, I collected quite few of them. And given some recent events in Sigmar, I have finally given up on Bretonnia.


But I still love the models and well, Rough Riders are playable! And have a cool upgrade variant via Deathriders of Krieg. For those who don't know, Bretonnia, had a lot of knightly variants.


And well I was thinking of adapting those models for 40K. But the first and foremost thing, was that if I plan on running regular Ponies and Deathriders in the same list I need a way to show they are different. I was thinking of having my regular ponies be 'normal knights'. While my Deathriders are Pegasi.


That would quite clearly mark the difference between the normal Ponies and Deathriders. Furthermore it also serves a function of helping inform my opponent that Deathriders 'ignore terrain'. Given the Wings. Even if they lack true flying ability.


What does everyone think?

Do you think that be enough to mark/clearly show one set is better or different than the other. Or are Wings a bad choice because it might result in other connotations?

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