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Thinking about our future

Castellan Doren

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I was thinking about why we got our own codex years ago then noting after. And it hit me, it probably comes down to copyrights.


Bear with me.


It's hard to put a hard copyright on out chapter name and icon since they're historical based. Imperial guard, Space Marines, and a couple others got changed over the years because they could not lay down a solid copyright on the names. Perhaps were in the same boat.

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That is actually an interesting point. Copyright on the Templar cross is impossible, if at all it should be held by the Deutschritterorden (they sport a black maltese cross on white iirc). Same goes for secondary bitz manufacturers, they could always claim to do "historical" stuff.

Keep in mind though that copyright law is widely different across different countries, in Germany for example GW wouldn't have had success with many of their previous claims, while they wouldn't have needed those claims in the first place as there is no system for right of habbit (like: The fact i didn't sue you yesterday doesn't mean i can't sue you today on a more grave case of infringement). Pretty much the opposite applies in the UK. Globalization at its best i guess :D

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Honestly I suspect it's more that mechanically speaking Games Workshop had no idea where to go with us. Like we had the attrition as part of our identity but almost no one really mechanically linked it to us rulewise conceptually.


Instead we often were "ZEAL! AND CHAINSWORDS!" Which isn't a bad thing but mechanically speaking look at World Eaters whom meme wise is very close to how we portrayed and the fandom portrays us. Dark Angels were forever associated with Deathwing/RavenWing, while Blood Angels where "Jump Pack Marines". GK being Deamon Murderers. Space Wolves had very notable differences in load outs and unit options with Vanilla Marines than we ever did.


Rules wise, all of 'our' things were holdovers from 4th Edition such as veteran skills. And, otherwise Target priority at -1, No Librarians, Hand Grenade, Rightious Zeal, No Retreat, mechanically Crusader Squads, Power Weapons on Bikers, and Emperor's Champion + Vows*. Were the only thing that made us functionally different than 4th Ed C:SM. Which in terms of tabletop only couple of those things were relevant.


I imagine after the hate Wolf of Wolf got, they didn't know exactly where to go with us. Had they had some vague sense where to go with our army from a purely mechanical sense we would have never gotten rolled into C:SM.


*And not having access to certain units.

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Honestly I suspect it's more that mechanically speaking Games Workshop had no idea where to go with us. Like we had the attrition as part of our identity but almost no one really mechanically linked it to us rulewise conceptually.


Instead we often were "ZEAL! AND CHAINSWORDS!" Which isn't a bad thing but mechanically speaking look at World Eaters whom meme wise is very close to how we portrayed and the fandom portrays us. Dark Angels were forever associated with Deathwing/RavenWing, while Blood Angels where "Jump Pack Marines". GK being Deamon Murderers. Space Wolves had very notable differences in load outs and unit options with Vanilla Marines than we ever did.



Although I don't disagree with your observations, we always have been and always will be an army of Faith.


I think there could have been many areas to explore and develop given that framework.

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If Knights get back on the mainstream media maybe we will get some focus. Just wait for this Viking focus to pass.


If GW takes BT somewhere it's because we have the potential to be visually different to other SM factions.


Since they are expanding on the CSM cults, the extra detail that BT can add to their iconography, like seals, Tabards, chains, candles etc might be our saving grace. But honestly don't expect anything.

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I think so too. But be honest - it cant be so difficult to create new templar units if you have the whole european history in the back.


This is true. I am basing my crusade fluff and marshal on the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II of the Ottonian dynasty. 

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