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Hi all,


Just wondering if any of you would know about any 3rd party bits and pieces that could be used for Catachan Jungle Fighters? While the Command Squad is quite recent and looks good, the older Infantry Squad suffers from a number of issues, in my opinon so if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them here.




You're spoilt for choice Dosjetka. :smile.:


Anvil Industries does heads, arms, legs etc.


Just two examples:






They also do torsos, variant heads with helmets, heavy weapon arms, officer arms, fatigue legs. The only limitation is how much coin you're willing to drop per squad.


Personally to keep the cost down, I'd use the stock torso and legs with third-party arm swaps on everybody because the stock ones are ridiculous and then mix in some new heads. They also do cool bergens. 



You could always try a few Void Viridians :):




They really suit the theme and also have a few interesting options for Rough-Riders and vehicles :)

If Catachan Veterans have option for Carapace armour, I'll just use the heads of heavy weapons squad and Scions kit.

Cut the antenna and the light, don't use the backpack, add the fangs,grenades,pouches at your leisure.

Edited by Sete

Lots of options but you may want to wait until the book hits to see if they rerelease some models, and perhaps consider conversions using bits of these. GW seems poised to have a lot of official presence at events from now on, which would preclude your army from participating. Same for GW stores.


LGSs and private games are fine of course, and I'm not talking about those.

Thank you for the advice and links, folks, much appreciated. :tu:


Wither: Right now, GW has zero "physical" presence (i.e. no GW shops) in my country so I'm not really worried about that. But it is a good point so thank you for raising it!

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