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EPriests vs Ruststalkers


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The huge, limiting factor with fulgurite electro priests is that they have to run across the table. They're not the most resilient chaps unfortunately.


If you're intentionally using Fulgurites as a bullet magnet because of their threat potential to protect other units, or using them as a counter-charge unit in your own lines then thats great... but delivering fulgurites into combat as an attacking unit is easier said then done.

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The huge, limiting factor with fulgurite electro priests is that they have to run across the table. They're not the most resilient chaps unfortunately.


If you're intentionally using Fulgurites as a bullet magnet because of their threat potential to protect other units, or using them as a counter-charge unit in your own lines then thats great... but delivering fulgurites into combat as an attacking unit is easier said then done.

Just curious, but did you mean that the ruststalkers do have a way of getting across the table? I noticed they are actually faster than then priests, so I was just curious if you were including both of them or specifically talking about priests, since neither seem to have any way of getting across the table.

Edited by LegioX
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It can be argued Ruststalkers can get across the field just marginally better. Two inches can mean getting the unit into cover or losing half of it. Also, with certain Forgeworld Stratagems you can of course get them into strategic attack positions.


As far as weapons/combat go, how do they compare? Fulgurites obviously have an easier time wounding if they don't get the 6+ for mortal wounds, but does the sheer number of attacks the Ruststalkers have help make up for it? Big question I've been playing with

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The huge, limiting factor with fulgurite electro priests is that they have to run across the table. They're not the most resilient chaps unfortunately.


If you're intentionally using Fulgurites as a bullet magnet because of their threat potential to protect other units, or using them as a counter-charge unit in your own lines then thats great... but delivering fulgurites into combat as an attacking unit is easier said then done.

Just curious, but did you mean that the ruststalkers do have a way of getting across the table? I noticed they are actually faster than then priests, so I was just curious if you were including both of them or specifically talking about priests, since neither seem to have any way of getting across the table.

Hey mate, apologies for the quote pyramid.


You're 100% right: ruststalkers are in the same boat as electropriests in that they have to slog up the board. They're just not as slow which gives them a slight advantage in that respect over the fulgurite priests.


Having been on the recieving end of fulgurite priests rather then the fielding end, it only takes being charged by them once to learn to never let it happen again. As a result, I know that they're (contextually) slow and as a result keep them well out of staff's reach.


I haven't played against ruststalkers yet so I can't say from experience about them.

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How do people think they compare if you add an enginseer with omniscient mask for rerolls to the rustalker? For the cost of 15 fulgrites you can get 10 stalkers and an enginseer to carry the relic up for you. For a footslogging unit they seem a bit more durable and add synergy with any Dragoons you have nearby.
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Fulgurites are generally considered good units if used with the Lucius or Stygies forge worlds, who can infiltrate or deep strike them. Ruststalkers are unfortunately mediocre to bad, depending on who you ask. Definately overcosted - but if you'd just like to use them because you like the models or whatnot, then go for it. Just don't expect them to shine.

Infiltrators are much better than ruststalkers. They come with their own delivery system and have much better synergy - taser goads can get "exploding 5s" through the skitarii stratagem that gives you a bonus to hit in melee - and flachette guns combined with the "wrath of mars" stratagem can get very powerful by stacking up tons of mortal wounds with their shooting.

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Concur on wrath of Mars with the infiltrators. If you really want something dead, spend an extra CP on protector doctrine. Combine that with Benediction of the Omnissiah and you've got re-rolling 1s, hitting on 2s, 5 shots each landing anywhere you want. You won't have many misses which gives you a lot of dice to go for those mortal wounds. Edited by yellabelly
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Fulgurites all the way. Stalkers are just fishing for 6es, while E-Priests can actually do damage on other rolls as well.


I need 10 more and then I will test 20 of them in a Graia army. 5++; 5+FnP; 6+ Dogma means less than 40% of the wounds get through (only single D wounds considered). Of course this will not help against long range gunfight armys like Imps or Tau, but everyone who is medicore at shooting or even melee armys need to think about how to get rid of them.

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The codex atm favors bigger units.


Priests can go 20 buff dual att.

Rust can go 10 buff +1 hit.


The main problem

Base cost 5 rust. 16 att str 4 no ap

6 priests 12 att str 5 -2


If they had only chordclaw we still miss -2 ap but they dont and trwnsonic is bad.


The most important rule ismthe buff. If you buff dual att on priests they got on nasty combination alpha strike etc with any lucius or stygia detach.


The only maybe benefit its the 2 wound / model but still no fnp make amdifference only on v v small arms. Stygia -1 you usually gon a use close this gap almost to none even making priest more durable vs serious hitting good bs weapons.

Not to start talking about priests going on 3+ invu.


So if rusttalkers had default infiltrate dunestrider run charge anything deploy behind enemy lines anything. We could talk about an option for no gems maybe mars for dual canticles etc.


Any hq with mask was my initial choise for dragoons and infiltrators. I realised its one relic/ army. The buff would be best for max unit like 20 priests not worth it for smaller units. And adeptus mechanicus has this big issue . Cant fit hq troops for gems with priests and anything else.


So you are forced to pick smaller units dont worth relic or buffs. Since you have low gems

Bigger dont fit . That said will not choose priests or anything else vs Robots dragoons. Sorry.


Before codex when we had few options they could be better for that 8" move. Now this does not exist. Since melee infiltrate. Even s counter units since you know where to put them priests will perform better a lot better vs any enemy.


So rustalkers that Re already mediocre below any other option . Not cheap not versatile not good are trash . Dont use them.

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