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Primaris Emperor's Champion

Rogue Crusader

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A while back I did some 3d modeling for a sword and an axe. I finally got off my lazy butt and modeled some hands for them, then printed them out last night. I mirrored the prints so that I'd have versions for both the right or left hand.


The Emperor's Champion is pretty much the centerpiece of a Black Templars force and while I love the original sculpt he's quite old and a bit small and undersized compared to standard marines and especially next to the Primaris models. So I thought to myself why not make a Primaris Emperors Champion?

Here's a couple different options I'm currently toying with.

Pointy hand with sword or axe

Sword with bolt pistol

Sword or Axe with Shield

Head with or without the Mohawk

I'm also considering ordering a set of FW Templar heads to give him a more knight-like helmet that includes the laurels.

















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I'll be making some resin casts of the weapons, once I do I'll let people know where to contact me that way I'm not crossing any rules that B&C may have about trading in this thread. 

Unblock PMs mate :)

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I'm going to make a couple of very small tweaks to the hand so that the joints in the fingers are slightly more visible, I think the position is good to go. For the axe I'm thinking about doing another version or two with a different hand position, while the Babe Ruth calling his home run pose works for this particular model I think that other conversions might prefer a different grip. Fortunately it doesn't require much work other than sliding the hand and maybe adjusting the angle of the fingers. 

As far as other cross laden pieces that might be of interest, I'm assuming some shields might be in order? The current sword is quite large since it's set to the same size as the black sword, would a different shorter design in scale with a regular sergeants sword be of interest?

I might be able to tackle some shin plates and shoulder pads but it'll take some experimenting to get the fit right and how to do the detailing as organic modelling isn't my strong suit atm so stuff like laurels and ribbons might take a bit of practice. I can also try some small lanterns or incense braziers although people would need to add their own ropes or chains to them as those would be too small to cast properly.

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That sounds like RedDog minis! Can you confirm / deny this?


edit: actually looked at your signature


Hiding right in plain sight :wink:



A new Cato Sicarius model, I'm intrigued.



It wouldn't take much to make a duplicate of the sword that has the Maltese crosses replaced with a Omega styled U shape, or if I put in a bit of work I might be able to make a Roman-esque looking eagle hilt. Then it'd just be a matter of turning the head crest sideways or using the head from the upgrade pack.



Minor tweaks to the EC model, I opted to keep him armed with a bolt pistol per the original profile so I took an arm from a Reiver model and trimmed the shoulder pad down so it'd fit properly the large secondary pad. Other than adding some fine detailing and GS work this should be the finalized pose.


I shaved off the skull that was in the center of the forehead which will be replaced with a Templars cross. I also shaved down part of the face so that I can resculpt a new faceplate that should be a closer match the original EC model.


I'm still debating about if I want to keep the Iron Halo or if I should replace it with something else like a cross piece or perhaps a combination halo & cross? I'm also considering modifying the backpack to have some gothic arches and skulls replacing the two round side vents similar to the DA Interrogator's Backpack.










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