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Hey there!


My wife and I both are doing Imperial Guard armies. I have built a Kasrkin Stormtrooper army, but my wife wanted to do something a little different.


My wife read the first Ciaphus Cain book and didn't realize there were such a thing as female only. After some discussion about what she wants, which is less uniform and more brutal and close quarters. Then, suddenly, I remembered the Xenonians from the 3rd or 4th edition codex.


I found a pic that looks like the body of a dark eldar is a base, but I can't find where those high boots came from, which seems to be a staple of the regiment.


Long story short: Does anyone have any ideas for conversion? Or what would constitute a fluffy list?


Any help would be appreciated!


(Xenonians are the very bottom left)



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Stockings and corsets? Dark Eldar Wyches to start with. 


I was looking at them but it looks like Wyches have those angular armor plates like warriors do, unless there is a version of the legs that don't have them.


Those almost look like the female hive gang from Necromunda. Maybe wait and see what can be done with those gals, maybe conversions would be easier.


I was looking at the new Escher models and thought that they might work, maybe paint the midrift as a body suit and supplement with DE arms. The gang boss I definitively wanted as a company commander.

If you've got deep pockets and don't mind three troopers cloned repeatedly, these would be the bomb:




Aside from that, I'd second Victorian Miniatures for Female body parts: www.victoriaminiatures.com 


For the holy grail of female heads, check out Statuesque Miniatures: http://www.statuesqueminiatures.co.uk/c/4535598/1/heroic-scale-accessories.html


They also do a line of female sci-fi (including a Commissar) but I'm not sure of scale. 

Again, if you've got deep pockets, the company Raging Heroes does a line calles "Toughest Girls in the Galaxy".


I might specifically recommend the Red Hammers or Jailbirds factions to get started, but I think a lot of their different faction troops and heroes could work well.


Here's a 5-model Troop unit, for example:



Let us know how it goes!

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