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Hey people


I own an unbuilt Baneblade kit that I can make into anything, and I'm thinking about starting a Guard army now that both my Ultras and GK armies are pretty much complete for 7th edition.


I love the Forgeworld Solar Auxilia kits, I'll likely be using those to represent my unique regiment.


Which rules do you think will best fit the Solar Auxilia models? Cadia? Steel Legion? Vostroya?


Also, is the Shadowsword still considered the most useful of the Superheavy tanks?


The coherence and discipline of the Solar Auxilia is key to their principal tactics; close order formations both in open field warfare and in the confines of a Zone Mortalis, concentration of firepower and stubborn defence. Strategies of "aggressive defence" are common both at the small unit and field level. This can be typified by aggressively seizing superior defensive ground (or manufacturing it with prefabricated defence lines, etc.) and inviting enemy attack on preferred terms, feigned retreat in order to drag opponents into pre-prepared fire zones and slow "rolling" advances under cover of close armoured and air support, protected by mechanised transportation


Mordians. They definitely sound like Mordians to me rules wise. Mordians have Parade Drill, which means that if your entire unit is in base to base contact with at least one other model in the unit, you have Leadership +1 and Overwatch Roll +1. Mordian vehicles get the same Overwatch buff if they're within 3in of another vehicle, and they can combine that with an Astra Militarum wide doctrine to overwatch on 4s.

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