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Now bear with me brothers, but what are thoughts on Ad Mech allies? What does Ad Mech bring, that Marines do not? I am toying with the idea of Ad Mech allies, called Khiavyr, but using Stygies VII, for the universal stealthiness. But, perhaps I should consider a more "complimentary" Forge World. But which one?
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No in the case you plan to use it as that is the correct forge world.  Dune crawlers are good with newtron lasers and arrays, robots are good also.  A 5 man ranger team with 2 sniper rifles are useful as they are strength 7 shots so offer more threat then marine snipers.   Vanguard are interesting in the fact that they drop toughness by 1 so them supporting an assault can help.  Electro priests could also be used in replace of marine assault units given the exploding 6s and mortal wounds.

I have been toying with this same idea for a while. I think its very fluffy and fits well. I don't see it as something from a list building perspective to really up the potency. Admech in general are slower/less durable than marines (as a general rule), so I find it likely that you won't find a native Raven Guard list improved by adding Admech, but I would love to see what you come up with (and they would be fine to play together). 


I have had similar thoughts about the Therion Cohort/Kiavahr PDF AM allies as well.

Can totally see it. And because of 'Ancient and peculiar pacts dating back to the Uprising' you can pretty much do what you like in that regard. Hitech guilder militia, cyborg pdf, full on mechanicus cult, they all fit. If going for the big punchers Gryphonne IV isn't far if memory serves well and has a Legio Titanicus to boot (Legio Gryphonnicus?) though they may have been destroyed a few times in the last 10 millennia.

Can totally see it. And because of 'Ancient and peculiar pacts dating back to the Uprising' you can pretty much do what you like in that regard. Hitech guilder militia, cyborg pdf, full on mechanicus cult, they all fit. If going for the big punchers Gryphonne IV isn't far if memory serves well and has a Legio Titanicus to boot (Legio Gryphonnicus?) though they may have been destroyed a few times in the last 10 millennia.


We actually have our own (somewhat shrouded in mystery) Titan legion stationed on Kiavahr: Legio Vindictus 



"The Legio Vindictus is a Titan Legion of the Imperium. The legion is based on the Forge World of Kiavahr, and is closely allied with the Raven Guard.[1]

During the Horus Heresy, the Legio Vindictus fought alongside loyalist forces in the Battle of Ravendelve"
-Deliverance Lost
Aka "Half the tech guild got misled by Omegon and the boys, so the Legio has got a bad case of the emos, and doesn't come out to play often ever since"

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