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Be'lakor Warband

Doom Herald

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I am working on a Malice theme warband which i want centered around Be'lakor. Why Be'lakor? He has a sword with -5AP at 3 wounds per hit and can use and know 2 psychic powers (not counting smite). I plan on using Warp Time and Death Hex. Death Hex in conjunction with The Blade of Shadows means no saves except the Feel No Pain types. Warp Time for the obvious advantages.


Because Be'lakor only gives re-rolls to Daemons, but his Power buff only affects Heretic Astartes i plan to use only CSM units with the Daemon keyword (ie possessed, warp talons, obliterators, daemon engines) and possibly cultists for fodder.


Im pretty sold on a body guard unit of Warp Talons which will be warp timed in ahead of him like living projectiles and on oblits teleporting in as needed.


The issues im having are whether to putBe'lakor himself in the dettachment and lose legion traits, try to summon him, or use an auxilary dettachment. He is the only unaligned DAEMON character and i would like to keep it all daemons, except cultists but that might put me in a bad handicap.


Summoning him would probably be difficult, and by RAW impossible at the moment, so i would probably use Word Bearer traits in that situation for the strategem.


What thoughts do you all have on strategies keeping, mostly, with the unaligned daemons and on the best way to fit Be'lakor in?

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Not only summoning him a bit too hard, but it is hard to him to cast Death hex, Magnus can do it better and still have chance to fail or enemy will denial it. He can't use Warp Time on himself. 

You'd better to build vanguard  detachment (HQ+Elites) with putting him in Auxilia one. Batalion will not work, since cultists or csm don't get any benefits from him. You can summon more daemons by yourself like swarming him with letters or demonetts or just put more of them into Auxilia detachment. 


As for warp talons, they better come with Tzeench mark and Changling behind them (-1 to hit) and Herold (+1 to strenght, which can be a handy in some situation). Because for rerolls of 1 you can take Lord with jumppuck. Possesed the same thing. Obliterators are good on their own with mark of Slaanesh. 

And reroll of 1 with daemon engines will give you nothing, unless you use the stratagem on them. Because they hit mostly at 4+ and reroll of 1 don't give them that much. 


As for -1 to Morale, you can take Night Lord Detachment and surround your enemy (don't work with IG or Tyranids). So, if I presume, it will be -4 to Morale (-3 because of Night Lord trate and -1 because of Bel'akor), so even terminators will run away.


And don't take Word Bearers even for summoning. If you fail, you get literally nothing else from them. Only if you play with ONLY with summoning like you just put 4 characters on the field and summon hordes, yes, it can be brutal. But for little summoning this is not worth it.

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