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Hellforged Leviathan rules query.

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Hey folks,

I've been considering getting a Hellforged Leviathan for my Death Guard and I have a rules query specifically regarding the grav-flux bombard.


The weapon is Heavy D3 as standard, and the rules state the following -  'For every five models in the target unit, add D3 to the number of attacks made by this weapon'. (bold added by myself)


Does this mean the following?:


If targeting a lone model or a unit with 1-4 models it's Heavy D3.

If targeting a unit with 5-9 models it's Heavy 2D3.

If targeting a unit with 10-14 models its Heavy 3D3.

....................................15-19 models its Heavy 4D3


And so on..?


Is my interpretation correct? It seems to be consistent with the wording, though it also seems pretty damn nasty.. :biggrin.:

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why would you want a drill on it? it is a shoting platform. getting closer to the enemy or being in melee means it does not use its primary weapon. all it needs is chaff to stop people from deep striking in and boging it down in melee.

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Chaff? Where can i find it?

The drill was for preventing it from being stuck in melee unable to use the bombard..since it has quite short range..


Chaff in this case is a cheap, expendable unit used to throw at a threat coming for something important you have. So cheap cultists around to 'bubble wrap' it. It helps something like a terminator squad from deep striking in and charging your leviathan. 

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I'm in the same boat with jeske as I want it to be a gun platform but that my personal preference. It really depends on what you want that Leviathan to be doing and if you have the points for it.


I think the drill is a nasty weapons but I like the looks of the siege claw. That thing still does serious damage but that reroll against infantry looks tempting.

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I don't know about you but a Leviathian with a close combat arm is pretty damned hard to bog down in melee as anything charging will suffer massively (even Terminators) from the hellflamer overwatch attacks and you can always use the counterattack strategem to attack after the chargers to completly massacre them with its high WS and multiple damage attacks plus it has got a 4+ inv save so it has a good chance of saving most attacks directed at it (well enough to strike back and murder its attackers)

A close combat weapon arm on the dread is great as it can murder entire squads by itself if they are sucidal enough to get too close since it can heal wounds from those it kills plus the right psychic power can buff it quite nicely

Edited by Plaguecaster
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Really depends upon what role you're filling in the army. For anti-horde and anti-tank in one, dual grav bombard is probably underpriced for its effectiveness, particularly with the death guard helbrute ability to move and fire without penalty to get it into range, and fire frenzy once it is.


If you want longer ranged anti-infantry, dual butcher cannon array is effective, though you likely want to point it at expensive ones to earn its points.


If you don't want to bubble wrap it, then a claw (with free melta) probably makes most sense to frighten off infantry counter-attack, plus a grav bombard - you're going to be be wanting to get close anyway.


Regardless of loadout it's likely to attract attention, so you're going to want other stuff to take advantage of that, such as bloat drones.

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Leviathians or any of the FW dreads can never use the Fire Frenzy strategem since it only affects the Helbrute unit and not Keyword Helbrute

Hellforged Leviathans, Deredeos and Contemptors all got the Helbrute keyword in the FAQ.


Sooo... yeah, they can use Fire Frenzy.


To quote the FAQ directly, which is available at this link https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/07/15/new-and-updated-forge-world-faqs-july16gw-homepage-post-2/


"Pages 12, 20 and 22 – Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought and Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought Add ‘Helbrute’ to the Keywords line of all these datasheets."

Edited by SillyDreadnought
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Leviathians or any of the FW dreads can never use the Fire Frenzy strategem since it only affects the Helbrute unit and not Keyword Helbrute

Hellforged Leviathans, Deredeos and Contemptors all got the Helbrute keyword in the FAQ.


Sooo... yeah, they can use Fire Frenzy.


To quote the FAQ directly, which is available at this link https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/07/15/new-and-updated-forge-world-faqs-july16gw-homepage-post-2/


"Pages 12, 20 and 22 – Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought and Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought Add ‘Helbrute’ to the Keywords line of all these datasheets."

You clearly didn't read my post,

Read the actual Strategem notice how it doesn't have Helbrute Bolded as a Keyword like the Legion traits do

Doesn't matter that FW faqed the dreads to have the Keyword as you can read, it only affects a hellbrute unit not a unit with the HELBRUTE keyword as I originally stated. So doesn't matter if they have the Keyword or not fire frenzy only affects Helbrutes not units with the Keyword . If it wasn't intended to work that way GW would of FAQed it with the codex FAQ but they haven't so obviously it only affects normal Helbrutes

It's the same with Killshot or the vindicator one they only affect the unit from the codex

Edited by Plaguecaster
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I don't know about you but a Leviathian with a close combat arm is pretty damned hard to bog down in melee as anything charging will suffer massively (even Terminators) from the hellflamer overwatch attacks and you can always use the counterattack strategem to attack after the chargers to completly massacre them with its high WS and multiple damage attacks plus it has got a 4+ inv save so it has a good chance of saving most attacks directed at it (well enough to strike back and murder its attackers)

A close combat weapon arm on the dread is great as it can murder entire squads by itself if they are sucidal enough to get too close since it can heal wounds from those it kills plus the right psychic power can buff it quite nicely

Ok, what are the top tier lists that dominate the play field through use of melee and can't deal with the melee set up of a leviathan or at least it becomes a serious game plan breaking problem for them ? skew 5 knight list, and I can't think of any other. almost all armies in 8th are heavier on shoting then melee, and non are build to win games through melee. Maybe assasins lists too, but against those the leviathan hits on a +6, so it is not like the drill option is super efficient. considering the points costs[and the $ cost] of the unit, one may as well run a normal hellbrute.

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