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I haven´t played in a while, but if I were to play Vostroyans I´d try to make an army list with plenty of mid-range weapons. 6 inches extra for a Battle Cannon or Lascannon is nice, but often redundant as some target will most likely be in range anyway.


However, Demolisher Cannons, Plasma Guns, Melta Cannons, etc. see their range increase by 25%! That could mean an extra round of shooting with some very deadly weapons. 


Similarly, I´d avoid using flamers and hellhounds, as they do not receive any benefit at all. 

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Heavy Bolters SWT getting 42" is actually fairly dangerous, especially against other Guard Equivalent armies (T'au, Sisters, Orks, GCult, etc). It means they can choose pretty much any target the first turn and put a reasonable amount of fire into them first turn.


It also buffs Snipers alot too. There isn't much the enemy can do to dodge sniper volleys vs important and squishy characters (Commisars, Imagifiers, Painboys, etc)

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Similarly, I´d avoid using flamers and hellhounds, as they do not receive any benefit at all. 


It's really unfortunate that flame weapons can't get an extra 6" on their range. 14" chem cannon would have been really fun. 

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Similarly, I´d avoid using flamers and hellhounds, as they do not receive any benefit at all. 


It's really unfortunate that flame weapons can't get an extra 6" on their range. 14" chem cannon would have been really fun. 



Or Meltaguns. 18in range meltas with a 9in burn would have made the Vostroyan regiment fully comparable to the Catachan one in terms of power.

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IMHO, and based on what we know, I really think the Leman Russ Punisher i.e. the Heavy 20 gatling guns will benefit the most from the Vostroyan longer range rule.


This is based on both actual playing in our meta and math-hammer.  Even before the news on how they're getting cheaper and Objective Secured, we found the Punisher to be the best-value Leman Russ pattern.  At 1st, on paper it seemed very ideal for anti-infantry, but after playing in this new 8th "anything can kill anything" meta, the Heavy 20 gatling guns are really anti-everything...even though it's cheaper points-wise than the other patterns.  And should the other patterns drop in points-costs to that of the Punisher, I think I'd still prefer it because it still has an edge against them when dealing with hordes.


The limitation the Leman Russ Punisher had was its 24" range.  It made it easier for enemies to quickly lock it up in close combat, forcing you to retreat but forego shooting.  We had wishlisted "oh, if only the Punisher had longer range" and I can't believe we're actually getting it so soon.  This is going to be very cool.


When we get the Codex, I'll watch closely on the new points cost of the Punisher against other Leman Russ patterns, but I'm thinking of a Spearhead (Heavy Support) Detachment of Vostroyan Punishers, heavily adorned and looking very baroque.  Very intrigued by this.

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I don't believe that Repel the Enemy! is applicable as a Tank Order, since those are unique to Tank Commanders and I didn't see a reference to that in the codex.  That being said, not having ithe book in hand means I could be completely wrong and I would greatly appreciate correction from a Frater "in the know"  :)

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I have a Vostroyan force coming up slowly and I intend to run them with their doctrines too. The models are just so cool. Fun to paint too with all the small details, heck some of them even have aquila under their boots.


I think demolishers and punishers really benefit greatly from their doctrines, so I intend to run some of those.

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Aside from their doctrine, I'm a huge fan of their stratagem. +1 to hit is just so universally useful in an army that can fork out a ton of CPs. Artillery units world mean a ton of their shots benefit (I want to run it with three quad mortars because I'm evil.) It means we can overheat when slinging plasma!


Also, I'd like it noted that Vostroyans are the only regiment with access to artificer armor.

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Aside from their doctrine, I'm a huge fan of their stratagem. +1 to hit is just so universally useful in an army that can fork out a ton of CPs. Artillery units world mean a ton of their shots benefit (I want to run it with three quad mortars because I'm evil.) It means we can overheat when slinging plasma!


Also, I'd like it noted that Vostroyans are the only regiment with access to artificer TERMINATOR armor.

T4, 2+ and 5++? We have a name for that :P 

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Aside from their doctrine, I'm a huge fan of their stratagem. +1 to hit is just so universally useful in an army that can fork out a ton of CPs. Artillery units world mean a ton of their shots benefit (I want to run it with three quad mortars because I'm evil.) It means we can overheat when slinging plasma!


Also, I'd like it noted that Vostroyans are the only regiment with access to artificer TERMINATOR armor.

T4, 2+ and 5++? We have a name for that :P

I know it's sub par but I'm going to be honest. I'm taking a company commander, I'm giving him the vostroyan relic armor and warlord trait along with a power fist and he is going to punch something. Not because it's good, but because it's right.

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I ran my first game with the new dex using vostroyans. 2000pts vs Grey Knight. He has the antiair flyer, tripple dreadknights (one of them a grand master), voldus and then various terminators and power armor guys along with Inquisitor Coteaz and a vindicare assassin.


My impression of Vostroyans has improved. I knew +6" wasn't bad but I was a little jealous of Catachans and Cadians. After last night's game I consider Vostroyans excellent.


Turn after turn the extended range gave me more shots and more target options than regular ranged units would have had. My hit rate was improved just off of being able to stay stationary and still hit targets when I wanted to. 30" punisher, 42" heavy bolters, and 30" lasgun and plasma were the real winners.


The other star of the Vostroyans is the strategem. +1 BS is amazing, especially on a punisher tank commander. I used this one every single turn and it was brutal.


Star units were the Scions, Russes, and Hellhound. The Scion suicide squads cripple the GK lines turn one, racking up two razorback kills and wiping out a Terminator squad that voldus would have teleported into my lines. The plasma Scion squad gets a promotion because they killed the last terminator in close combat.


A punisher commander and two stock battlecannon Russes with sponsons formed a fortress of murder that was never breached. The grand master dreadknight met his end charging towards this unit, torn apart by the combined fire of three tanks.


The Hellhound wrecked a whole flank by himself, evaporating several strike squads, burning the flyer, and taking Coteaz and Voldus down to one wound each as he exploded.

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I've only seen creed converted by being greenstuffed a mustache and a fur hat... it was very effective, but unfortunately I don't have any photos.


This link may also be helpful - it doesn't convert cadians, but does have a number of techniques in its 4 pages for Vostroyanizing minis: http://web.archive.org/web/20080410230950/http://uk.games-workshop.com:80/imperialguard/vostroyan-regimental-assets/4/

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