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Even with 2 shots, the Vanquisher is probably still the worst of the bunch. I am not sure it is worth it at all. If only it had been given S 9...


I'd wait for the codex of course, but the standard Battle Tank looks and performs great now. I will field a couple almost certainly. For the third (Tank Commander), I'll wait and see...might as well be a Punisher :cool.:


But then again, I'm probably running Catachan tanks, so it might well be another BT.

Punishers. Maybe plasmacutioners (love the model and plasma) and maybe some battlecannon ones. re-rolling ones means overcharging plasmacutioner is much easier now! also, they only loose 1 mortal wound per 1 they roll. not 6 and never fire again like it used to be

Punishers. Maybe plasmacutioners (love the model and plasma) and maybe some battlecannon ones. re-rolling ones means overcharging plasmacutioner is much easier now! also, they only loose 1 mortal wound per 1 they roll. not 6 and never fire again like it used to be

Can you link me to the source of that last bit about the mortal wounds?? I'm very intrigued!!


Punishers. Maybe plasmacutioners (love the model and plasma) and maybe some battlecannon ones. re-rolling ones means overcharging plasmacutioner is much easier now! also, they only loose 1 mortal wound per 1 they roll. not 6 and never fire again like it used to be

Can you link me to the source of that last bit about the mortal wounds?? I'm very intrigued!!



Oldmanlee hit the nail on the head. Winters SEO did a review on youtube of the codex a few days ago and he mentions it.

Based on Russ buffs in general, I think Battlecannon and Punisher Cannon are going to be the best two turrets (or at least the more commonly seen), regardless of Regiment.


For Cadians specifically, I would choose Battlecannons. Because your Doctrine requires you to stay still to get the re-roll 1s to hit, you're going to find yourself appreciating the extra range of the Battlecannon versus the Punisher so you can reach out and touch someone from a more static position.


This choice also supports the "Castlling" tactic encouraged by your Relic (which gives one turn of rerolling all hits and wounds for all units within a certain range of the Relic).

The list that I have been thinking about consists of 3 Battle Cannon, one of which is Pask, and one a commissar tank.  I'm surprised to see no one really talking about it, but it seems that the tank order rules have changed in that all of the character restrictions have been removed.  This would mean that all three of those tanks will reroll the number of shots.  Combine that with the new grinding advance, reroll 1s to hit, relics and stratagems, you can get some really nice firepower from them.

For anyone that isn't aware, the Cadian Doctrine only grants re-rolls on hit rolls of 1 if the LR is stationary.  Therefore, we would obviously benefit from double-tapping the turret gun BUT it's possible and reasonably likely that shorter-ranged main guns (Punisher, Demolisher) will be out of range of our choice targets.  Therefore, the best overall benefit is probably to LR with good-to-excellent range, such as the Executioner, Exterminator and Vanquisher.  Of these choices, however, the best is overall the Battle Tank because it has flexibility the others don't in terms of target selection.  The Executioner is rather poor even with the EPV fix due to the low number of shots and self-damage, the Exterminator is a joke (just get a pair of Tuaroxes), and the Vanquisher is still probably the worst overall because it's so luck-dependent.  As for the Eradicator, it's not bad and ignoring the cover bonus could be cash in the right situation, but the pathetic Strength relegates it almost entirely to anti-infantry duty.  The Battle Tank has range, hitting power, decent AP, multiple damage, and surprisingly decent ROF when combined with the double-tap and Strategems.


As for the short-range variants, I feel that Tallarn and Valhallans will be able to run them better due to mobility/durability, respectively, though they'll still be strong for Cadians IF you can force your opponent to come to you.  I for one am going to be spinning up a full squadron of classic BTs with LC and HB sponsons as quickly as possible.  :D

I'm waiting for FW to update their rules. I'm not entirely sure how to run my IG right now. I've been toying with the idea of running my tanks as cadian, but I have 2 Demolisher chassis which are short ranged, and won't be as useful with cadian tactics. I've also been toying with running my LRBT's as conquerors because of rerolling the hits due to the Coax stormbolter. So I have no Idea what tactics to use for my tanks...

There's nothing wrong with using Demolishers in a Cadian army just because they won't make use of the re roll 1's. It's no different to using them before the codex and besides, you still have the Cadian unique tank order for re rolling the number of shots fired. So that's something you do get for being a Cadian demolisher. :)


Yeah Demolishers might be better as Catachan or Vostroyan... but that shouldn't stop you from using a unit you like. If a unit is good without doctrines it's still going to perform well regardless of which doctrine you apply to it.


I think people put to much emphasis on doctrines/chapter tactics etc and max their army around it, not including *anything* that doesn't benefit from the rules. Which is unrealistic and you will be lacking certain elements in your army. Lascannon heavy weapon squads are still going to perform well in a Catachan army and is an anti tank weapon we desperately need, who cares if they don't make use of the doctrines.

There's nothing wrong with using Demolishers in a Cadian army just because they won't make use of the re roll 1's. It's no different to using them before the codex and besides, you still have the Cadian unique tank order for re rolling the number of shots fired. So that's something you do get for being a Cadian demolisher. :smile.:

I mean, that's all very true. It wouldn't stop me from using my short range tanks, it would just take me a couple turns to be able use them effectively.



Yeah Demolishers might be better as Catachan or Vostroyan... but that shouldn't stop you from using a unit you like. If a unit is good without doctrines it's still going to perform well regardless of which doctrine you apply to it.

That's true. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm really wanting to go all in on Cadians. I've been toying with the Idea of picking up Creed's model, as I really like him. For me the Cadian doctrine is a late game thing. Once you're sitting on an objective you don't move, and you re-roll ones at anything that tries to take it from you. 



I think people put to much emphasis on doctrines/chapter tactics etc and max their army around it, not including *anything* that doesn't benefit from the rules. Which is unrealistic and you will be lacking certain elements in your army. Lascannon heavy weapon squads are still going to perform well in a Catachan army and is an anti tank weapon we desperately need, who cares if they don't make use of the doctrines.

I'm not seeing anything wrong with what you're saying. I'm not going to be that guy that powergames, and takes multiple detachments to make use of various rules. 

I brought out a Tank Commander in a Vanquisher to try against my buddy's Orks a couple of weeks ago. He brought a Stompa. The Vanquisher did really well, it managed to strip off about 14 wounds from the Stompa. Having said that I don't know if I'd bother with a Vanquisher if it wasn't a Tank Commander or Pask, even with the double shots we're getting with the codex on Saturday. One shot on BS 4+ is a bit too much of a gamble for my taste. I think Cadian Executioners got a lot better post-codex, provided you don't move, you can overcharge the Plasma and re-roll any ones. It doesn't have the range of a Vanquisher, but I think with a couple of Plasma Cannon sponsons it'll be quite the vehicle/MC killer.

Or a Tank Hunter Destroyer...


Plasma has become more interesting.  I am still somewhat skeptical about the Executioner main gun, since you have to overcharge it to basically get a shorter-range battle cannon with an extra point of armor penetration, and a flat 2 damage rather than D3.  However, the change to plasma vents making you only take a single wound from overheats, and various ways to re-roll 1s to hit (orders, being Cadians, being around Yarrick or Harker, etc.) makes the plasma sponsons a lot more appealing.  Catachans probably have the best option for this, since they would re-roll the attacks for the main gun and the sponsons, and have an easy source of re-roll 1s to hit.  Cadians can do it as well, standing still and adding an order to re-roll all misses or re-roll the number of shots.  I think Battlecannon/Lascannon/plasma sponsons is a good build for Pask or a Tank Commander, who can use the additional range of the guns to keep at somewhat of a distance.


With Tallarn's mobility and flanking abilities, I'm looking forward to dropping some Demolishers with multi-melta sponsons near the opponent's deployment line.  Not sure what to do with the hull weapon, though... lascannons are always good, of course, but it does drive up the cost of the tank.  Demolishers in general are pretty hilarious now against 5+ strong units.  Taking 2D6 S10 -4 D6 damage hits will make anyone sit up and take notice (and then be incinerated).


Punishers are probably the easy winner for everyone just with their sheer volume of fire. 

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