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Now that we have our nice subforum, I thought I would start a blog for posting my Death Guard painting progress to.


I have a long history with Death Guard. I created a warband of nurgle followers when 6th edition came out, mostly out of spare Space Marine bits I had lying around, and some greenstuff.






After going through about half a dozen paint schemes, I finally settled on this one sometime last year:








When 8th came out, and we got our new sculpts, it quickly became apparent that my old marines no longer would match up. Time to start from scratch! So I set about netting myself 3 sets of the new Dark Imperium Death Guard sets, and I have been slowly adding to it ever since.


I paint glacially slow these days, as work and social life intervene, but luckily I still am able to churn out a few models every once in a while!


So onto my completed works!


Plague Marines, Part 1













Plague Caster and Noxious Blightbringer







Lord of Contagion (Formerly my Typhus Counts As)





Last but not least, I recently acquired Typhus and reposed him a bit. I think he's better now:







There is much more to come! I have a unit of Death Shroud on my table, Plagueburst Crawlers on the way, the Poxwalker horde... and of course, big ol' Morty himself! I post most often to my instagram so feel free to give me a follow, link in signature! I also have the full resolution pictures available on my blog: http://teun135miniaturewargaming.blogspot.com

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WOW wonderful! I love dirty Plague Marines, can you write the colours you used and the passages you have done, please?

I want paint mine Death Guard like yours, thank you :yes:


Sure thing!


Step 1: White primer (I used Rusteoleum Flat White)

Step 2: Screaming Skull (GW) basecoat on the entire miniature

Step 3: Warplock Bronze (GW)  basecoat on all metal features

Step 4: Leadbelcher (GW)  drybrushed on all metal features

Step 5: Death Guard Green (GW)  on any accents (such as tabards, nurglings, etc)

Step 6: Bugman's Glow (GW)  on any tentacles

Step 7: Pure White (Reaper) on horns, protrusions, etc

Step 8: Steel Legion Drab  (GW)  on woods and handles.

Step 9: Agrax Earthshade  (GW)  on the entire model. Really lay it on, but use your brush to soak it up where it pools and redistribute it over the model again. Don't be afraid of tide marks, that's what we are going for!

Step 10: Edge highlights in original base colors. Leadbelcher for metals, Screaming Skull for armor, etc. To make it blend better, mix 50:50 Agrax Earthshade with your base color on the first highlight, followed by an edge highlight of just the original base color.


That's it! Not the worst 10-step process in the world :D


For his base, I just used Stirland Mud, with a Steel Legion Drab highlight when it dried. To make the toxin pools, I just got some Caliban Green (GW) for a base and glopped on some Nurgle's Rot before it was fully dried, mixing it around a bit to give it a swirly effect. Add Blood for the Blood God and Nurgle's Rot anywhere on the model to taste :) 

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