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To Troop or not to Troop?


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I agree that it’s a pretty generic / boring smurf army, the player Lawrence (from watching his YouTube channel) would be the first to tell you that.


I strongly challenge that bringing back Sanguinius is a good idea though, both from a game and backstory perspective. It would completely undermine the core of what makes BA fluff what it is, it’s all predicated on the tradgedy of this death and sacrifce. We of all people as a community that love BA should not be pushing the agenda to do away with that...


I agree that maybe THE Sanguinius should remain at rest. However, a primarch-level unit would be great. Sanguinor the new aspect of Sanguinius?

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It's also not outwith the realms of possibility that we'll see Assault Squads return as Troops.

I have to say I consider this very unlikely. Apart from Wolves, all Marines seem to have the choice of just 3 Troop units, Tacticals, Scouts and Intercessor. I cannot see us getting a fourth just because the option existed a couple of codices ago. Also the fact that the Outrider detachment exists suggests that this is the preffered mechanism for bringing an army based around FA units.


Happy to be proved wrong of course.

Whilst I agree with you that it is unlikely, I think it would be an easy fix to make assault marines more attractive to our players. I just don't see any reason to take them as a fast attack option as stands. But a choppy toop choice spiced with plasma / melta - that would be interesting.


On the same note if GW decided they didn't want to give the DC a rules revamp, the moving them from elites to a troop choice would work. Right now I see nothing in their profile that justifies the label Elite (other than their over inflates points cost).


But anyway back on topic. I like sniper scouts with cam cloaks in cover. They are annoying to shift. Have the potential to deal out mortal wounds. And can target characters / anything that hides behind bubble wrap. For me that's a nice combo.

Edited by SM1981
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Yeah I'd definitely take Assault Marines if they were Troop choices with everything that comes with it (easier access to more CP and ObSec). However that would be a very artificial way to 'fix' Assault Marines and it would put Tacticals in an even more awkward situation. So I'm kinda glad that it's unlikely to happen. Same goes for DC becoming Troop choices.

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I plan on building a 5 man tactical squad for objective holding/rear line. I'll most likely equip them with a storm or combi/plas on the sgt. and a missile launcher for my heavy weapon. My Dev squad survived a LOT of tank shooting, lasguns, and heavy bolter fire by staying in cover. I love my scouts, but 2X scouts with a tac squad will work for me with my current group.


As I work up to a battalion I'd like to add even more scouts and probably a separate MSU tac squad or a full 10 man tac squad depending on the roll they'll be playing.

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Yeah I'd definitely take Assault Marines if they were Troop choices with everything that comes with it (easier access to more CP and ObSec). However that would be a very artificial way to 'fix' Assault Marines and it would put Tacticals in an even more awkward situation. So I'm kinda glad that it's unlikely to happen. Same goes for DC becoming Troop choices.

I agree.  It would be nice but against doctrine and fluff for those to become troops.  In particular DC historically had rules that forbade them from holding objectives as they were too focused on the praying and killing and such. 

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I wouldn't particularly mind if ASM didn't get ObSec - but even just letting us use them to access CPs would make me happy to put them in my list. At the moment there is essentially zero reason to take Assault Marines over Vanguard Veterans or Company Veterans. Let me take three squads of ASM in place of Tacticals to gain 3 CPs and I'd be all over that.
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I wouldn't particularly mind if ASM didn't get ObSec - but even just letting us use them to access CPs would make me happy to put them in my list. At the moment there is essentially zero reason to take Assault Marines over Vanguard Veterans or Company Veterans. Let me take three squads of ASM in place of Tacticals to gain 3 CPs and I'd be all over that.

That's honestly a problem I've seen a lot with Blood Angels. Half of our units is redundant and only really useful for niche situations (like Melta Assaults in 7th). Imo BA need a complete re-work if they want to stay their own Codex.

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I think it depends what you plan to use assault marines for. If it's to actuslly be good at assaulting things they are pretty poor, and DC and Vanguard do that better. But if it's to deeps trike in melta or plasma they have a use. Just don't expect them to live long.


This all said, deepstriking in plasma, shooting a unit, charging the remnants of this unit for protection in your oppositions shooting phase, before using "Fly" keyword to leave combat and shoot what's left again is always fun... Assuming you get the charge off... And don't mind them dieng after this is done.

Edited by SM1981
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I'm thinking troops will probably look alot more attractive since we will be looking to get commnad point fuel for what should be some great strategems in the codex.


I rate shotgun scouts highly for board control, board control, baiting ability and cost effectiveness still. Hope the codex will not change that.

I think tacticals/Intercessors are gonna be the same as they are now. I don't see myself spamming them this edition really, but could see camping an objective with some.


ASM have been mentioned and I also think they are fine in fast attack as was said above. GW making them troops would be welcome tho =)

They shine pretty well at doing the 2(4) special weapons in a razor/rhino thing still I am thinking.

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