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Mixed-models AM armies and the new codex


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Random linked question to this. I've had old metal cadians as the majority of my force, I'm thinking (new dex points/list permitting) to have a brigade of them, with a SWS and PC out of metal catachans being their recon/scout troops, and using a few mordian models as the command squad. Now the scouts are painted up in camo, the rest (incl mordians here), have tan clothing and gobbo green armour. This would all be fighting under the cadian regiment rules. I Also want to add a gunline of a battalion of mordians (been reading sharpe series so they will be some sorta green jacket paint scheme, very different to the mordians in cadian force), a battalion of 3 inf squads, their officer and a tank commander with a mordian poking his head out the top. They would use the mordian regiment rules. I am pretty sure I can do this rules whiles (have 2 force charts using different regimental rules), but would anyone have issue with the fact that there are technically mordian models (albeit painted differently) in my army, and using differnt rules, and that there are catachans in there who are painted differently but also will use cadian rather than catachan rules.


I tend to play with a few mates and we're casual so I know that wont be a problem, but would also like to take my army to stores for pick up games etc and have no idea what others views are on this sorta thing

I find a lot of these restrictions on what different regiments can use a bit ridiculous I have to say...


I have Praetorians. Praetorians are Mordians with different hats. But because they are not "Mordians" I can't use the Mordian Strategem?


Where does that end? Those Ultramarines are a paler blue colour than "proper" ultramarines so you can't use their Stratagem?


I'll happily say my army are Mordians if anyone asks, but I'll be damned if I'm using every available rule that Mordians can just because mine are painted red and have a slightly different style of hat. I don't intend to be punished for not going for a paint by numbers approach and blindly copying what's in the codex.

Yeah I dislike some of the downers on customization that are being represented here. I don't like the old Tallarn models and I object to paying so damn much for them. Besides I like my forces to have their own character (except my Night Lords because I'm a Talos fanboy). I want my regiment to be based on Tallarn because it makes sense for the idea I've come up with: My force come from a planet devastated by an industrial accident caused by my Admech Forgeworld. The planet has no atmosphere, no vegetation and is basically a radwaste. However, it supplies minerals to said forgeworld from huge underground hives and so the IG regiments still defend it. They're mainly an armoured regiment and they mostly fight rapid campaigns because of the effects of the environment on their vehicles. The models are going to be Cadians kitbashed with Admech Vanguard bits to give a sealed environment suit style mini. 


Now, I can say "These guys use the Tallarn doctrine" but RAW they can't use the relic, strat, warlord trait or the order. I think a lot of other people have similar issues. If my opponent comes along with Green Marines and says "These guys use the Ultramarines tactics" then of course I'm going to let him treat everything as if it has the ultramarines keyword. Because the hobby is about customization and I'm totally fine with, understandably, using a set of rules you like with your army. I'd expect the same treatment in return and if I didn't get it I'm probably not going to play that person again.

Now the scouts are painted up in camo, the rest (incl mordians here), have tan clothing and gobbo green armour.

Camo, Mordians? What nonsense is this? Clearly this wont work!! ;)


This would all be fighting under the cadian regiment rules. I Also want to add a gunline of a battalion of mordians (been reading sharpe series so they will be some sorta green jacket paint scheme, very different to the mordians in cadian force), a battalion of 3 inf squads, their officer and a tank commander with a mordian poking his head out the top. They would use the mordian regiment rules. I am pretty sure I can do this rules whiles (have 2 force charts using different regimental rules), but would anyone have issue with the fact that there are technically mordian models (albeit painted differently) in my army, and using differnt rules, and that there are catachans in there who are painted differently but also will use cadian rather than catachan rules.



Sounds like two easily identifiable detachments to me. I would have no problem letting you do that. Other than I would question the commander who had Mordians put on camo... :D

ah no no, the scouts are from the cadian brigade... the mordian battalion are jsut a firing line of 3 units, commander and a tank. They're the mordian 'green & twos" who have been sent to give some backbone to the cadian 18th (who have muscley scouts in bandanas and some command/heavy weapons who are wearing their dress uniform, but are still cadian men in those outfits!)

How is this still a discussion? This happened with thw SM codex, AdMech codex, and on the AoS side...GW has said many many times you can pick what you want and use it. There are some resteictions of course for special characters.


And where is this nonsense about picking a doctrine and not able to use the items and traits? Thats total BS. Where is that written for one, and two, better tell that to every single SM guy on thw otber forums.


If i make a successor chapter and use HH DA heads, IF shoulders, paint them neon green, and use ultrasmurfs CT it is certainly allowed to use warlord traits and items.


Im building a scratch built tank heavy guard but the foot guys will be a mix of the GW kitbashed chem guys+praefects...and im going to use the catachan rules, traits, items...all of it. Cuz its allowed unless otherwise stated

How is this still a discussion? This happened with thw SM codex, AdMech codex, and on the AoS side...GW has said many many times you can pick what you want and use it. There are some resteictions of course for special characters.


And where is this nonsense about picking a doctrine and not able to use the items and traits? Thats total BS. Where is that written for one, and two, better tell that to every single SM guy on thw otber forums.


If i make a successor chapter and use HH DA heads, IF shoulders, paint them neon green, and use ultrasmurfs CT it is certainly allowed to use warlord traits and items.


Im building a scratch built tank heavy guard but the foot guys will be a mix of the GW kitbashed chem guys+praefects...and im going to use the catachan rules, traits, items...all of it. Cuz its allowed unless otherwise stated

Absolutely. It's crazy to deny relics/characters to someone who uses Catachan doctrine only because his regiment is not called Catachan. There would be no point at all in playing anything but the 6 'standard' regiments. It would be the death of one of the beauties of the Guard - customization and infinite possibilities.


People *really* need to calm down with these obsessions. Between this and the recent raging discussions about giving doctrines to FW DKK/Elysians, and the storm of idiocy that recently surrounded the Grinding advance LR rule, nonsense seems to be taking over the community.


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