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Codex Marines are good allies, especially raven guard jump packs. I also like the idea of having Contemptors backing up my guys with fire support. Unfortunately the temptation is to make the allies too big. 


Space Wolves also seem good right now, but we'll have to see once their codex comes out.


Inquisition is still in an awkward place right now since they're not really good, but they're not awful either. I kinda want to get Greyfax to add to my army as she's a cool model and I would like to add some Inquisition Flair...


Militarum tempestus and Inquisition will likely be a good pairing. 

I´m thinking of a single squad of Batle Sisters. The ´´Act of Faith´´ ability allows you to revive a dead model, make an extra movement, fight or shooting round on a roll of a 2+ at the beginning of the turn. 


As for the inquisition, it is a real pity inquisitors can´t be taken as part of a Guard army without messing up the ´regiment´ keyword of the detachment, the way we can take priests, astropaths, commissars and the like.

Posted · Hidden by duz_, October 6, 2017 - double post
Hidden by duz_, October 6, 2017 - double post

Celestine and a squad of Seraphim is usually really good, or a counter charge unit of Canoness and Repentia will tear through anything.

Celestine and a squad of Seraphim is usually really good, or a counter charge unit of Canoness and Repentia will tear through anything.

I guess the question is, do you want to?


Having just completed my first major with a fairly balanced list I did not struggle with any of my games (now I'm a middling player so I didnt really come up against any of the super cheese).


I feel like unlike last edition guard really has an answer foe most things this edition. Including close combat! (Ie Bullgryns)

I guess the question is, do you want to?


Having just completed my first major with a fairly balanced list I did not struggle with any of my games (now I'm a middling player so I didnt really come up against any of the super cheese).


I feel like unlike last edition guard really has an answer foe most things this edition. Including close combat! (Ie Bullgryns)


I don't necessarily want to take allies, though some of the AdMech stuff is pretty cool looking. I guess what I was really asking and didn't realize it until your reply above is if the Guard needing some serious shoring up in one aspect or another that some allies could help with. 

I can personally vouch for Celestine as an ally choice. Even with how difficult it will be to include her in a list without losing Regimental Doctrines, the hassle is well worth it to me. Add her two lackeys for a tougher Celestine, and add Seraphim if you want an extremely fast-moving unit (12" for AoF + 12" for regular movement = 24" of nasty).


Even just Celestine by herself has been awesome in all of the games I've played her in.

Personally of all my guard games of 8th so far I haven't felt like they needed allies.

Yes they have similar short comings to last edition. Ie we dont like things up in our grill.

However the extent to which that can happen is mitigated with good deployment and layers of bodies.


Now if you wanted to have all your bases covered. Some SM scout infiltrators wouldn't hurt to increase deep striking area denial.

We have so much dakka (and more with the codex) your biggest concern is having your vehicles assaulted and not being able to fire for a turn.

Also with the codex coming out you now have several different guard types so it is possible that what once was a straight group of a single type of cadian guard may now have a talaran flaking force, or vostoyan heavy weapon teams supporting you from the back etc.

With all of the awesome choices that the Guard has now, there is little room/need for allies.

AM can handle all situations by itself, and that is great already. I have some Primaris, a small Inquisition detachment, Knights, a few Death Watch, Sisters of Silence, and Celestine there painted and ready to assist, but they won't see much action except for some thematic/narrative games. Any AM list I write, I'm always short of points already because I'd like to try everything we have :D and the codex will only take this to the extreme, apparently.

Looking at the rules etc, I would be tempted to argue the only allies guard need is more guard myself, pretty much everything an ally can do, the guard can also do themselves if you pick the right regiment to do it, between elysian deep strike, ambush/mobile armour tallarn, artillery catachan and so on.



The only thing I would say that "could" be an issue is assassinating a speciifc character, but for that I would say guard snipers (elysian/ratlings) have the ability to take out middle rank leaders, anything heavy is going to require heavy firepower, either an assassin dedicated to HQ hunter or if its a big dudes, a shadowsword/other super heavy tank effectively wipes those off the table for you.

Really if your looking to provide allies for guard your looking to cover one of 2-3 possible roles.   The first role would be to provide something that is more capable then guard are in the fight phase.  The second role would probably be honestly air support that is more reliable then the guard equivalent.  That leaving the third choice as a catch all of what ever provides coverage for the gaps in how you design your army and does so more efficiently then guard do.

I found getting rid of Characters the most difficult thing to do as well, but with the new Mordian order that becomes a lot easier. I have an Inquisition force that I used to add some close combat punch but they can't go in their Land Raider any more which is a shame... Bullgryns are also simply better in combat.


My Marine allies I find more of a handicap than anything!

Good points all around. Three good areas of opportunity for allies of Guard to cover: 1) deepstrike denial, 2) character elimination, and 3) close combat support.


Not that we can't do it ourselves, but those are good places to start, seeing as how our capabilities in those three categories are just "good" rather than "robust."

Good points all around. Three good areas of opportunity for allies of Guard to cover: 1) deepstrike denial, 2) character elimination, and 3) close combat support.


Not that we can't do it ourselves, but those are good places to start, seeing as how our capabilities in those three categories are just "good" rather than "robust."


Regarding 2) I´m thinking about adding a small AdMech Batallion to my army.


HQ: 2x Enginseer (they are kind of a tax, but can help to keep Pask and my other Russes alive)

Troops: 3x 5 men Ranger squad (2x Arquebus + Omnispex) 


Total cost: 425



Give them the Stygies keyword and you get 6 snipershots with S6, -2 and D3 which ignore cover and hits on a 3+.

And all that on a unit with a +3 save in cover and a -1 to hit at 12" and more.


What do you think?



Edit: And of course you get those juicy 3CP ;)

Edited by lash144

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