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Lord vs Apostle


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So im trying to put together an 1000pt EC Battalion formation as the core of any army that grows out of it, but I currently can't decide between a chaos lord or the dark apostle to ride in a rhino along with the assault based noise marines I would like to run.


I know that the Lord will give provide a bigger punch when they hit the frey and the aura will be more useful in more phases of the game. The Apostle on the other hand looks like he is set up to buff melee based armies and would be more useful to provide more damage each fight phase.


The rest of the army will be a socerer, two min squads set up with sonic weapons and a pair of maulerfiends.


Any thoughts?

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Why not run an exalted champion? If you give him a weapon he has a better punch than the DA and I think that re-rolls to wound are more useful than to hit, the EC seems like an option between the other two and is quite good against characters with his re-roll to hit against them, specially if you give him an artifact.
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CC is only the second choice if you are going for Noisemarines. First you buy them for their shooting abilities, the for CC, even when you are EC. Lord means bigger punch model wise and increased accuracy in CC AND shooting. I mean, you just lose rerolling 2s in CC, but gain rerolling 1s in shooting.


Statistically that means


6 rounds, 10 men, gear, Lord (just for comparison)

6x30= 180 shots, 120 hits, reroll +20 Hits

6x21= 126 attacks, 84 hits, reroll +14 Hits


Same with Apostel

6x30 = 180 shots, 120 hits

6x21 = 126 attacks, 84 hits, reroll +28 Hits


Lord slightly better in Overall hits, much better if you think about Personal damaged Output and way better if you consider that you are about 2-3 rounds in combat in most battles..


Sure, you could push the Noisemarines into CC only, but the CC gain isn't in their favour imo.


And we are not counting that an early dead model is better than a end game dead one.

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I actually forgot about the exalted champ. He would be better if I have to throw the squad into a higher toughness unit and to help the hits stick.


It seems like the Lord or the Champ are the better options. Now I just have to figure out if I want to go named/generic on the Lord or use a champ

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