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Looking for advice to modernize my army List

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Sorry! I just noticed I typed this into the wrong page, I meant this to go into the Black Templars forum! Please delete!!!





I primarily play Astra Militarum, but I've had a Black Templar army as a side project since they were introduced in The Armageddon Codex (in 3rd Edition I think). It's mostly unpainted and honestly neglected, but I've been thinking about giving them some love for 8th edition. I tried two games after the Codex was released and didn't do too well. I was nearly tabled in both games. My army collection is mostly put together with 3rd/4th edition in mind with a few additions along the way. Here is the list that I used in the two games:



Chaplain in Terminator Armour (Warlord) with the Crusader's Helm

The Emperor's Champion



Dreadnought with Assault Cannon, Dreadnought Combat Weapon and Heavy Flamer

Terminator Assault Squad with Thunderhammers and Storm Shields



Crusader Squad with 10 Initiates and 5 Neophytes armed with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords. One Initiate has a Power Sword and the Sword Brother has a Powerfist.

Crusader Squad with 10 Initiates and 10 Neophytes armed with Bolters, Missile Launcher and Plasmagun

Tactical Squad with 10 Initiates Meltagun and Multi-Melta and Sword Brother has a Powerfist

5-man Scout Squad with 5 Sniper Rifles and Camo Cloaks


Fast Attack

Assault Squad with 10 Initiates with Jump Packs, Bolt Pistols and Chainswords and Flamer, Sword Brother has a Power Fist

Assault Squad with 10 Initiates with Jump Packs, Bolt Pistols and Chainswords and Flamer, Sword Brother has a Power Axe


Heavy Support

Land Raider Crusader with Multi-Melta


First off I know I'm committing a mild heresy using a Tactical squad and a Scout squad. It does make me feel a little dirty, but I do it anyway Emperor forgive me, lol!


I usually run the 15 man Crusader Squad with the Emperor's Champion in the Land Raider and Teleport in the Chaplain and Terminators. The 20 Man Crusader squad usually defends my back field and lays supporting fire. I play it by ear with the Assault squads. Depending what I'm up against or the needs of the mission I'll either Deep Strike them in, or deploy them on the table. The Tactical Squad was my Anti-Tank unit, I used to run them in a Rhino to zap enemy vehicles with the Melta and Multi-Melta from the top hatch. That's not an option anymore though. Honestly, the only reason I originally took the scout snipers is because I think  they look cool. In 8th the ability to target characters is pretty useful and makes them worthwhile.


In both games that I've played so far the Land Raider was blown up by the second turn killing a few Initiates and neophytes, and leaving the rest exposed to enemy fire. I'm wondering if it's worth taking the Crusader anymore? Have you guys had better luck with them in 8th? If I drop the Land Raider, I could probably fit a second unit of Terminators, or maybe another Crusader Squad. Is it worth keeping in the list?


What do you guys think of the list in general? It's absolutely possible that my list is fine and it was my tactical choices that were the problem. To be honest, after playing Guard for so long, I get nervous when I have fewer than 100 models on the table, lol! I typically run a gun line with my Guard, which is why I chose Black Templars, I wanted an army that played more aggressively. Perhaps I'm being too aggressive when I play? I try to get into close combat ASAP, the above list doesn't have a lot of shooting in it, and neither does the rest of my collection. Should I try to add some more ranged elements? I have the Dark Imperium box, so I could add some Primaris Marines.


I'm looking forward to hearing your advice and thanks for taking the time to read this!

Edited by Imperator Deus
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