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Contemptor Loadouts


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I generally am a huge fan of using Contemptors in my Death Guard force as they are pretty brutal especially in close combat though generally I use Butcher Cannons on mine however they generally can be a hit or miss weapon due to the low AP, has anyone had any good experience with the different weapon loadouts of the Contemptor??? Not a fan of dual claws even with soul burners as I still like my dreads to at least have some sort of big gun
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I run with a dual Kheres Contemptor just about every game- kind of short range, but given that it is fast and can advance while firing, that is not much of a drawback. 12 BS2+ S6 shots tends to cut down lots of GEQ.  

I do not care for claws, generally speaking. They do decent damage, but are overcosted as hell.

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Butcher Cannons are nice to mow down infantry. Especially the ones that aren't immune to morale. If I'd like the Contemptor chassis it's what I'd be going for.

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I am looking at getting one for my Death Guard and I am thinking of a Kheres Assault Canon with a Fist on the other side. 

I play max 1000 points, do you guys think he will do a good job with that load out at that points level?

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I am looking at getting one for my Death Guard and I am thinking of a Kheres Assault Canon with a Fist on the other side.

I play max 1000 points, do you guys think he will do a good job with that load out at that points level?

I played a 850pt list with one against a sisters force and he did pretty well, he was armed with a butcher cannon and chain claw, he just massacred anything he got close too including a couple of squads and characters by himself, didn't do too well in the shooting as he usually only killed one or two with his gun each turn though with the assault cannon arm you will probably be able to kill a lot more stuff. Once in combat they can be pretty damn resilient able to heal itself through those it kills though maybe giving it a hellflamer could help to deal more damage especially before charging a power armoured unit to deal more damage


Anyone tried out the Ectoplasma Cannon on one the fact it doesn't inflict mortal wounds on itself like most plasma could be nice especially when armed with the blasters on a chain claw as well (though the blasters do inflict mortal wounds unfortunately)

Edited by Plaguecaster
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I'm thinking of trying to go for a short-ranged (kinda) cheap AT with 2x Multi-Meltas.


Good idea? Bad? Should I also add a Havoc Launcher?

bad and no.


Outside trying to do something like Khan above or going all melee, there is very little in efficiency among the chaos contemptors. Which considering its points cost, makes it unimportant which version is taken in the end.

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I am looking at getting one for my Death Guard and I am thinking of a Kheres Assault Canon with a Fist on the other side.

I play max 1000 points, do you guys think he will do a good job with that load out at that points level?

I played a 850pt list with one against a sisters force and he did pretty well, he was armed with a butcher cannon and chain claw, he just massacred anything he got close too including a couple of squads and characters by himself, didn't do too well in the shooting as he usually only killed one or two with his gun each turn though with the assault cannon arm you will probably be able to kill a lot more stuff. Once in combat they can be pretty damn resilient able to heal itself through those it kills though maybe giving it a hellflamer could help to deal more damage especially before charging a power armoured unit to deal more damage


Anyone tried out the Ectoplasma Cannon on one the fact it doesn't inflict mortal wounds on itself like most plasma could be nice especially when armed with the blasters on a chain claw as well (though the blasters do inflict mortal wounds unfortunately)



Thanks for the answer mate.

I am building up a 750 points list now for a tournament later this year. I only need one more Drone and then I will get some practise games in. 

I am already thinking about going up to 1000 points that is why I am asking around :D

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I am looking at getting one for my Death Guard and I am thinking of a Kheres Assault Canon with a Fist on the other side.

I play max 1000 points, do you guys think he will do a good job with that load out at that points level?

I played a 850pt list with one against a sisters force and he did pretty well, he was armed with a butcher cannon and chain claw, he just massacred anything he got close too including a couple of squads and characters by himself, didn't do too well in the shooting as he usually only killed one or two with his gun each turn though with the assault cannon arm you will probably be able to kill a lot more stuff. Once in combat they can be pretty damn resilient able to heal itself through those it kills though maybe giving it a hellflamer could help to deal more damage especially before charging a power armoured unit to deal more damage


Anyone tried out the Ectoplasma Cannon on one the fact it doesn't inflict mortal wounds on itself like most plasma could be nice especially when armed with the blasters on a chain claw as well (though the blasters do inflict mortal wounds unfortunately)

Thanks for the answer mate.

I am building up a 750 points list now for a tournament later this year. I only need one more Drone and then I will get some practise games in.

I am already thinking about going up to 1000 points that is why I am asking around :D

Drones are an amazing addition to Contemptors as your opponent really struggles to decide what to focus on first, in the half dozen games Iv used both (mostly 1K games as the ones at my club prefer more quicker games) the Contemptor has never been destroyed as they either try splitting up their firepower which fails to kill either or focus fire on the drone leaving the Contemptor mostly unharmed. Get one into combat and they are pretty hard to kill
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I run 2 with dual claws/burners, 1 usually gets blown up before he can get into combat but whichever one survives ends up obliterating whatever he charges. I wouldn't run 1 by himself. The soul burners are very nice but I often find myself wondering if the points aren't better spent elsewhere...
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I've been using claw+drill and 2 burners for a while. They are built around running as fast as they can towards priority targets. You don't want to charge them in a blob of something. Go after elite multi wound units or monsters/vehicles. You want to make the dmg 3/4 be worth it. Some games they get shot down before they engage. Some games they are the perfect clean up crew, flowing in behind Magnus/scarab occult and counter charging etc.
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I'm running butcher cannon and claw and it works alright (I'd rather have two cannons but I don't have the second arm yet). Getting shot off the table is definitely a danger, but if you can dig him into cover and use the nurgle masking psychic power on him then it isn't too bad. Since I play Night Lords the cannon's -1Ld is a useful additional stacking debuff to a unit's leadership.

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No really as if you were wanting a high ap rifleman style dread a Contemptor with double conversion bearers is far better than a Deredero as the only long rang high ap it has is the dual malignatas saker which is rather lack lustre since instead of wounding you have to roll over the targets Leadership plus the Contemptor is far cheaper with double c beams plus if you target infantry you can inflict additional 2d6 hits on the unit you kill a enemy with the c-beam (so 4d6 when both kill a enemy)

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