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Melta/plasma Delivery System


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Hey folks,


Was just thinking about how best to put some pain down with Blood Angels utilising some sort of alpha strike and had a flash of ridiculous inspiration.


I believe that any unit which has multiple ranged weapons can fire them all, though if that's not the case this is still viable - just a little less lethal.



- Jump pack


5-man Company Veterans Squad

- 5* plasma guns

- 5* plasma pistols


You can scale upwards with additional squads of Veterans, switch out the plasma guns for meltaguns and conceivably add in e.g. a Sanguinary Priest to resurrect fallen plasma guns. Three units of plasma plus the Captain comes to only 678 points and can lay down 45 overcharged plasma shots anywhere on the board, rerolling any 1s.


Whaddya think?

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You can choose to fire either all non-pistols or all pistols, so unfortunately that's not possible. Can do it just with one of the options though :)

Ah, thought I was missing something!


Ok, so we drop 105 points - they cost 573 points for 30 shots. As I said, slightly less lethal, but still pretty scary for the points.

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Ok, so we drop 105 points - they cost 573 points for 30 shots. As I said, slightly less lethal, but still pretty scary for the points.

Yup, not bad at all. Now give the Captain a Combi-plas and Thunderhammer and maybe each Vet Serg a Lightning Claw each. Now you can charge and dish out some damage in close combat if the target does not have any serious CC weapons of their own. If the enemy fall back from you, they lose a turn of shooting. If they stick in combat, you can withdraw in your turn and still fire your plasma at full effect because they can Fly! :smile.:

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I’ve been using a single squad in this way, as an assassination squad with a captain. They usually do pretty well, but over the past few days I’ve been toying with the idea of splitting the squad into 3 squads of 2 plasma guns and 3 storm bolters. The storm bolters are still a very good weapon for cheap but fill the role of chaff muncher. So the 3 squads come in somewhere preferably in double tap range of some heavy infantry and their chaff. That’s 36 shots of bolter fire to weaken severely or kill the chaff and 12 shots at the heavy infantry. Anything without a storm shield just gets destroyed. The return fire also forces your enemy to go through 9 storm bolter bodies before they can get the 6 plasma bodies too. Not incredibly durable, but does give them a good chance of shooting a second time. Swap out the bolt pistol for a chainsword on each dude and maybe a power weapon on the sarge and you’ve got a hard hitting force in both shooting and combat that’s pretty mobile and decently resilient. An ace unit, in my book.
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have you thought about plasma cannon devastators in a drop pod or storm raven? 5 (min) 14 (max) plasma shots isn't anything to snip at. +1 extra round with cherubs. I'm really liking plasma devs right now, and the extra range makes up for their foot pace.


For some reason I just can't get behind this in my head. Paying all those points for a delivery system just to have them only hitting on 4's seems a massive waste.

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have you thought about plasma cannon devastators in a drop pod or storm raven? 5 (min) 14 (max) plasma shots isn't anything to snip at. +1 extra round with cherubs. I'm really liking plasma devs right now, and the extra range makes up for their foot pace.

For some reason I just can't get behind this in my head. Paying all those points for a delivery system just to have them only hitting on 4's seems a massive waste.
1 turn of 4s in most cases. your dice average out. There really isn't a huge difference between the two especially when you have so many dice you are throwing at stuff.


The minimum shots you have at 24" is 5 the max is 13 s7 shots plus the bolter round if you choose. one turn of the cherub. If you are within double tap you have an additional D3+3 shots. 4+ has been the norm for a long time, just as it was in combat. I don't let stuff like that detour me.


The main point for the pod is it protects you from the alpha strike and you can have perfect placement turn 1. A bunker gives you protection, but it is finite in it's placement.


Just my thoughts. If it makes any difference; We pay out the wazoo for toys anyway.

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Not on a plasma/melta tip, but I've really been considering a drop pod with 5 man dev squad armed with grav cannons, a cherub, a foot captain with power sword/combi plasma, and 3 company veterans with who knows what probably plasma maybe stormbolter.




That would be really heavy anti-infantry placed exactly where I want them to be. I'm just a little concerned with armor so will probably have a second dev squad sporting missle or las. Who knows, I have a couple heavy plasma devs too.

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Why would the dev hit on 4+ after they are dropped ? Disembark does not count as a move.

Of course it does.

Box on page 183

"Note though, that even if you don't move disembarking units further in your Movement phase, they still count as having moved for any rules purposes, such as shooting Heavy weapons"


And even if that weren't the case: Reinforcements on page 177

"Units that arrive as reinforcements count as having moved in their Movement phase for all rules purposes, such as shooting Heavy weapons"

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