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Librarian Dread spam


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Having faced off against 3 x GK knights (and lost heavily), I began thinking about how I could run more smite, with survivable librarians, which brought be to Librarian dreads...


How viable is it to run three of them (or more if taking the elite detachment)?  Do they hold up long enough to be nasty?


I was thinking of running them all with either shield (keep them all together and have them cast it on each other), for survivability, or unleash rage to cast just before hitting melee...

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Having faced off against 3 x GK knights (and lost heavily), I began thinking about how I could run more smite, with survivable librarians, which brought be to Librarian dreads...


How viable is it to run three of them (or more if taking the elite detachment)?  Do they hold up long enough to be nasty?


I was thinking of running them all with either shield (keep them all together and have them cast it on each other), for survivability, or unleash rage to cast just before hitting melee...

You can attempt to cast a psychic power only once per turn except for smite.

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Not convinced that Libby Dreads are the answer you are looking for. The CCWs on a Dreadknight will still do nasty damage to Libby Dread and as pointed out above, you cannot spam any of your Sanguinary powers. Extra Deny rolls are useful but Libby Dreads are an expensive way to get these.


I am tempted to say that Storm Ravens may be a better answer to GKNDs. You have buckets of dice to throw at them and their anti-tank/aircraft shooting is pretty mediocre. Also they cannot charge a flyer which means their expensive and dangerous CCWs are kept out of the fight.


Add in a Culexus to mess with their psychic powers a bit and block their Smiting and you are in good shape. Put a Libby Dread in one Raven and Mephiston in another and you have 2 units that can deliver a knock-out blow to the DKs once they have been softened up by your shooting. Hammernators in a Raven are also good provided you have the Culexus to stop them being Smitten.


Not especially Blood Angelish but it should be workable. I appreciate the Culexus might feel like a cop-out but if your opponent is bringing multiple DKs at low point levels then I think it is fair game.

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Also, if he's running a Grand Master in a Dreadknight, a las/missile launcher dev squad is pretty great because its >10 wounds mean you can erase an important character fairly early. A few scouts to bubble the devs makes them very resistant

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Not especially Blood Angelish but it should be workable. I appreciate the Culexus might feel like a cop-out but if your opponent is bringing multiple DKs at low point levels then I think it is fair game.


Culexus are super cheap and super powerful if your opponent has a few psykers in their team. If you pair one with Mephiston then you have a really nasty anti-psyker killing machine too. 2 Deny's at -2 on their roll.. I've used this combination effectively in a couple of battles recently to good success.


Culexus are really hard to kill as well, as everything hits on 6's which isn't to be sniffed at

Edited by SanguinaryHarlequin
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I would take riflemen dreads to protect your libby dreads a full dread army backed by storm ravens isn't terrible. Decent wound pool followed by good toughness. Add some scouts for scoring/ignore alpha strike.


I think 3 libby dreads backed by 3-5 riflemen dreads would be fairly ace. Double Raven or triple talon/hawk gives you great outs to triple dreadknights. Even with decent shooting you should be able to kill 2.5 a turn. Which really helps when you have to play that nasty 9 dreadknight list

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I was going to recommend a couple of multi wound cheap Smite soakers.  Like a Rhino or two....just something to put up front and soak up the smite mortal wounds, since it has to be the closest model.  And/or after he charges in to wreck them with Dreadknights, you counter-attack with whatever your anti-tank units are.

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At the moment anything more than 2 librairians is probably wasted because once shield and rage is manifedted the 3rd psycher can only use smite or blood boil (that does less dmg than smite )


That being said adding a librairian to an army brings some good buffs with those powers. Normal Librairian with Jump Pack are good to follow JP units. Terminator Librairian can teleport and is very hard to take down if you equip them with a storm shield. Dreadnought Librairian have high toughness and good melee punch.

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At the moment anything more than 2 librairians is probably wasted because once shield and rage is manifedted the 3rd psycher can only use smite or blood boil (that does less dmg than smite )

I think you've gotten confused - the same Psyker model can't cast a psychic power again. It's not one cast per army :)


As for Librarian Dreadnoughts themselves I agree with Karhedronuk in that you probably don't want a load of them, better to get cheaper ordinary Librarians if you do want to go Psyker heavy I think.

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At the moment anything more than 2 librairians is probably wasted because once shield and rage is manifedted the 3rd psycher can only use smite or blood boil (that does less dmg than smite )

I think you've gotten confused - the same Psyker model can't cast a psychic power again. It's not one cast per army :smile.:


No, Brother Crimson is right. BRB page 215, matched play mission rules.


Psychic Focus

With the Exception of Smite, each psychic power can be attempted only once per turn, rather than once per psyker per turn.

Obviously this is only in matched play but since that is the dominant format, I think most discussions here take that as a given.

Edited by Karhedronuk
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Here's an all dreadnought list I could get behind. Flavor to taste.


Carmine Ancients[113 PL, 1991pts]


Vanguard Detachment (Imperium - Blood Angels) [29 PL, 521pts]


Chief Librarian Mephiston [8 PL, 145pts]


Dreadnought [7 PL, 136pts]

Twin autocannon, Twin autocannon

Dreadnought [7 PL, 128pts]

Missile launcher, Twin autocannon

Dreadnought [7 PL, 112pts]

Missile launcher, Twin heavy bolter

Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [84 PL, 1470pts]


Librarian Dreadnought [10 PL, 192pts]

Furioso fist, Storm bolter

Librarian Dreadnought [10 PL, 192pts]

Furioso fist, Storm bolter


Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]









Scout Sergeant

Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]









Scout Sergeant

Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]









Scout Sergeant

Bolt pistol, Boltgun


Dreadnought [7 PL, 145pts]

Missile launcher, Twin lascannon

Dreadnought [7 PL, 129pts]

Twin heavy bolter

Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter

Storm bolter

Dreadnought [7 PL, 145pts]

Missile launcher, Twin lascannon

Furioso Dreadnought [10 PL, 191pts]

Furioso fist (pair), Meltagun, Smoke launchers, Storm bolter


Stormraven Gunship [15 PL, 311pts]

2x Stormstrike missile launcher, Twin assault cannon, Twin multi-melta

Two hurricane bolters

2x Hurricane bolter


Created with BattleScribe

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Here's an all dreadnought list I could get behind. Flavor to taste.

Carmine Ancients[113 PL, 1991pts]

Vanguard Detachment (Imperium - Blood Angels) [29 PL, 521pts]


Chief Librarian Mephiston [8 PL, 145pts]


Dreadnought [7 PL, 136pts]

Twin autocannon, Twin autocannon

Dreadnought [7 PL, 128pts]

Missile launcher, Twin autocannon

Dreadnought [7 PL, 112pts]

Missile launcher, Twin heavy bolter

Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [84 PL, 1470pts]


Librarian Dreadnought [10 PL, 192pts]

Furioso fist, Storm bolter

Librarian Dreadnought [10 PL, 192pts]

Furioso fist, Storm bolter


Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]









Scout Sergeant

Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]









Scout Sergeant

Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]









Scout Sergeant

Bolt pistol, Boltgun


Dreadnought [7 PL, 145pts]

Missile launcher, Twin lascannon

Dreadnought [7 PL, 129pts]

Twin heavy bolter

Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter

Storm bolter

Dreadnought [7 PL, 145pts]

Missile launcher, Twin lascannon

Furioso Dreadnought [10 PL, 191pts]

Furioso fist (pair), Meltagun, Smoke launchers, Storm bolter


Stormraven Gunship [15 PL, 311pts]

2x Stormstrike missile launcher, Twin assault cannon, Twin multi-melta

Two hurricane bolters

2x Hurricane bolter

Created with BattleScribe

That list certainly has quite a few Dreadnoughts but it's definitely no all dreadnought list lol
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Read all dreadnought. First thing i saw Mephiston. XD

Jokes beside. I ran an "pure" (with drop pods) dread list in 7th and was very successful. Now it would be fun to run but i think that it would have a hard time. I will try it out one day just for the lols. :D

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Read all dreadnought. First thing i saw Mephiston. XD

Jokes beside. I ran an "pure" (with drop pods) dread list in 7th and was very successful. Now it would be fun to run but i think that it would have a hard time. I will try it out one day just for the lols. :D

In my defense that's battle scribe's fault. He was part of the 2nd detachment, he just gor posted first.


Unfortunately ObSec is too important to leave out. Also, Mephiston is basically a mini dreadnought anyway with S10 attacks and a load of wounds. ;)


But Riot, would you add in your Leviathan dread and contemptors over the riflemen dreads?

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