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So tinkering around with my list I have included a Foul Blightspawn, as the title suggests my question revolves around his revolting stench ability.  As one of my regular opponents is a tyranid player, he without fail drops the Swarmlord in a drop pod in my face turn one and charges.  Being that I'm planning on fielding Mortarion, I know what he will target everytime we play.  So if I have a blightspawn near Mortarion turn one, how exactly does the fight phase play out?


Does he still activate a unit to fight with first? Or will I get to activate a unit after his charge before him?

Edited by MyD4rkPassenger

I'm not familiar with the Swarmlord, but if he has an ability to fight first in the fight phase, it is that ability which is annulled. which means that the fight phase proceeds exactly as if the ability did not exist, ergo if its his turn and he chooses to fight with the swarmlord first then he can do exactly that

Edited by Toomanyprojects

Player who's turn it is gets first pick as to which non-charging units fight, so he's just going to nominate the Swarmlord anyway.


What you can hope is that he also charged with another unit in the same turn, because that would then allow you to use the Counter Offensive stratagem to fight with Mortarion out of sequence. 

to be honest, I'd say that Mortarion is probably a match for the swarmlord regardless of circumstances, and that if you get to kill the biggest beast in the enemy army without your opponent being able to use the buffs that the swarmlord gives to the majority of his units then its you that would come out on top anyway

I appreciate the responses, he does the trygon tunnel assault as well so there is the potential for another charge.  My main concern is how weak Mortarion will be after the battle, like you said he will more likely than not win, I just don't want him crippled for the rest of the game.  Do you all think a screen of nurglings or poxwalkers in front of him is something worth trying just to put that much more of a dent in his tactic?

He should do on average 5 wounds, assuming full strength and no miasma on mortarion. And then he gets destroyed by evisc. The problem is that all the big nid monsters are all overcosted, they can't get any form of reroll and are almost all t6 with a 3+. Swarm lord in particular has a lot of his budget going to hive Commander

My thought are make sure mortarion has a unit of deathshroud by him as you can allocate wounds to them instead


Also consider castling up and overlapping auras. The talleyman will allow rereolls of 1s (i think) as well as hopefully regaining


Lords of contagion also have mortal wound effect on models that are not Nurgle alligned


The plague surgeon would also boost everyones discusting resiliance making it even harder for The swarm lord to do any damage

Mortarion already gets reroll 1s and the Plague surgeon doesn't add enough to just get him to keep Morty alive. A screen of cultists or poxwalkers are all you need to ensure you don't get charged by swarmlord if you're really that afraid of taking around 5 wounds

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