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Storm Raven Loadout


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I want to add a Storm Raven to my army. I'm still in the construction phase of my army, but like the mobility, transport capacity, and firepower it would add to any list. 


What are some of the optimal load outs for the Storm Raven?  I'm considering las cannon and multi melta.


I also have a Dreadnought on the sprue. I was considering a librarian dread, but if I get the Storm Raven I may make a DC or Furioso to drop into melee range.


Anyway, thanks!

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Granted mine is standard marine, but I made mine a dakka variant. Heavy bolters, assault cannon, hurricane bolters plus stock missiles. I think it really depends on what you have in your army already. My meta seems to be turning heavier and heavier infantry based so I equipped accordingly, last four games I have played against have had zero vehicles. It carries plasma vets for high strength firepower and a dual Grav bombard Levi for busting things than need to be busted open so I cover all angles.
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While lascannons are always a solid addition, I think the Twin Heavy Plasma Cannons are very underrated, and I barely see them around! 1 point less compared to the Twin Assault Cannon, and you get 2D3 shots (average of 4) without too much worry from overcharging, as you only take one mortal wound per 1 rolled. In most games that I've run this setup, it makes its points back, and then some. My friend's dead Mortarion can attest to that!

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I run mine with twin asscan and twin melta. It's a good mix of antitank and antiinfantry. The twin lascannon means more antitank if you need it but it's slightly inefficient on a stormraven - the 48'' range is factored into the cost and you won't be needing that much. The hurricane bolters, although a must take at their price point, can't kill a significant amount of infantry on their own. I think it's better to put those lascannons on razorbacks in the backline and instead stack efficient short-range weapons with a variety of optimal targets on the stormraven.

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I think it's better to put those lascannons on razorbacks in the backline and instead stack efficient short-range weapons with a variety of optimal targets on the stormraven.

I agree this is the key point. Long ranged weapons can work well from your back line, they don't need to be mounted on a platform that pays a premium for speed and PoTMS. Multimeltas and Assault cannons are the best option for the SR because it can bring them into range rapidly without the -1 to Hit.
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Yeah I guess range won't be an issue. I'll have to check the index tomorrow to see exactly what the options. Then on to e-bay to see if anything fits with those options. I'm liking the idea of meltas along with the assault cannons. Plasma is also intriguing, and yeah a mortal wound here or there won't sink the (crash) the Stormraven right away I'm thinking.


Choices, choices...

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twin las, twin missiles, hurricane sponsons for me.  I really enjoy the flexibility of being able to skirt a fight and keep heavy firepower going when the raven is hurt and wants to survive.  I was using a foot capt (tycho) with some devastators and would often fly over my fire base for some reroll 1's action and a cheeky assault screen.  Range is a powerful defense tool that when combined with the flyers mobility can really multiply.  Its a pricey but interesting option

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