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Seeking Advice on using a Hellwright

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I'm currently in the process of converting my Heresy-era Iron Warriors into a force that looks far more appropriate for use as a CSM army in games of 40k (read: lots and lots of spikes), and as part of this process I ended up deciding to salvage the Belisarius Cawl that I've had sitting on the sprue since January to make a (rather unique, shall we say) Hellwright on Dark Abeyant.


While I'm not really expecting much from the model on the tabletop, I was wondering if any of you guys could offer any suggestions/experience on how one might go about getting the best out of them? I currently own two Butcher Cannon/CCW Contemptors and a Predator that could be fielded as Hellforged at a push, and I certainly wouldn't be opposed to expanding my roster of Hellforged units in the future. If anything I'm just disappointed that the Hellwright doesn't have synergy with Daemon Engines like the Maulerfiend or Decimator.

Edited by Commander Dawnstar
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Just converted one myself, I like the idea of using him but the only way I can see him being a massive benefit is if you run ccw contemptors. If you run him as iron warriors then you can give him their relic, letting him heal 2 wounds a turn, and if you give the unholy fortitude warlord trait he gets really hard to kill :)


I plan on keeping him close to 3 contemptors, and surrounding him with Bloodletters ( he can summon them as well so).

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I'm currently in the process of converting my Heresy-era Iron Warriors into a force that looks far more appropriate for use as a CSM army in games of 40k (read: lots and lots of spikes), and as part of this process I ended up deciding to salvage the Belisarius Cawl that I've had sitting on the sprue since January to make a (rather unique, shall we say) Hellwright on Dark Abeyant.


While I'm not really expecting much from the model on the tabletop, I was wondering if any of you guys could offer any suggestions/experience on how one might go about getting the best out of them? I currently own two Butcher Cannon/CCW Contemptors and a Predator that could be fielded as Hellforged at a push, and I certainly wouldn't be opposed to expanding my roster of Hellforged units in the future. If anything I'm just disappointed that the Hellwright doesn't have synergy with Daemon Engines like the Maulerfiend or Decimator.

My advice would be to use him with Renegade Knights, since he can heal them and is pretty much the only thing Chaos has that can do so.

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