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Have a day of gaming coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm going to be using some razorbacks.  Thought I would look in the rule book last night about transports and was a little confused.  I've only played a couple of games in 8th ed. so far and haven't used any tanks yet, but when I read the rules about disembarking from transports it made me think of the land raider.  The rules say that you can only disembark from a vehicle before it moves which to me sucks, because I can't drive my razorbacks up hop out and shoot with better range for melta and plas.  But what really gets me is the way I read the rule you can't move a land raider into position for a good charge and assault because if you move the LR you have to sit and wait for a turn to get out.

Is there anything that I've overlooked because that makes no sense to me to pull up in the LR sit and wait for everything to move away from you that you want to charge then jump out and oh great the unit or units I wanted to charge have moved out of charge range!  If you can't charge out of a land raider after it's moved, to me it's become an oversized rhino with better armour and some fire power.

If it says some where that you can charge out of a land raider that has moved some one please let me know.  I couldn't find anything else on transports except that one column at the side of a page in the rulebook and didn't see anything in the faq's.  But this sounds absolutely ridiculous to me when a land raider is supposed to be an assault vehicle

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  On 10/10/2017 at 10:01 PM, Khornate individual said:

... Is there anything that I've overlooked [?]...

There is nothing you've overlooked. The whole assault vehicle schtick was a kludge placed in the rules way back in 3.5 or there abouts when they re-hacked the rules to do away with the 'Rhino-rush' as a staple tournament tactic, but still wanted some bit of the mechanised assault concept in the game. Never actually a core bit of flavour for the unit, and here we just return to the vision of the unit that harkened back to second edition, or the last time Jervis was a primary author of the Core Rules. I digress.


No. Land Raiders are no longer a specialised assault vehicle.

You can get out 3 inches from a vehicle when disembarking, the unit inside then also gets to move/ advance/ shoot/ assault that turn as they wish. If you consider this, it gives the unit inside a potential assault range of 21 inches (extremely unlikely mind you) on top of the benefit of being inside a 2+ sv, toughness 8 vehicle with a ton of wounds on turn 1 ensuring a large number of them will make it to combat.


If you're looking for a rapid deployment charge, deep striking is your best option which is a risky bet given the need to roll a 9" on the charge.


The Land Raider is not useless the Lascannon variant just suffers from a dual identity crisis of being an extremely durable transport and an anti tank platform. It is not as attractive as the LRC though given you can get the same fire power out of a Predator at a cheaper cost and you arent rushing it head long into the enemy. The LRC better fits the task of APC with lots of troop killing dakka.


What I like to do is turn 1 drive my LRC up the board into a forward position (usually will advance it under smoke cover to get that extra distance and survivability). Turn 2, disembark your guys and move them toward the desired assault, disembarking does not count as moving for either the Land Raider or unit inside. You can then drive your land raider off to do as it pleases. 

If the target I planned to assault did not run away forcing me to chase, I will often assault my marines then drive my land raider into a position that will block line of site or line of retreat either preventing a fall back or negating the danger of falling out of combat to be shot to pieces by their buddies. When you factor move + charge distances it's nearly impossible to run away from a unit once it's 9 inches or less away.

Edited by Brother_Gneecapper
  On 10/10/2017 at 11:02 PM, Eddie Orlock said:

Let's have no more of this pure tactica here. Interesting as it is, the OR forum is not the place for it.


Sorry my intention more was to point out the disembark and movement stuff, I just got a little zealous in my explanation.

Edited by Brother_Gneecapper
Well, to me this stinks. Really was hoping that there was something that I didn't see allowing the charge after the tank moves. Oh well, first the ding to drop pods and now I notice the transport rules, 8th is really taking away from how I played my Templars (But I DO like the reroll on charges!).
On a related note, how are people playing the 'within three inches' rule? Do you deploy entirely within 3" or deploy so that at least part of each models base is within 3"? This can become quite important when you're trying to get as much range as possible on a distant assault target.
  On 10/12/2017 at 9:48 AM, Adeptus said:

On a related note, how are people playing the 'within three inches' rule? Do you deploy entirely within 3" or deploy so that at least part of each models base is within 3"? This can become quite important when you're trying to get as much range as possible on a distant assault target.

In the FAQ it states that 'within' means partially within and only 'wholly within' means the full base.


Never noticed that before but RAW the models only need to be partially within the 3" so it gives disembarking models that little bit of extra distance.

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