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Your Death Guard conversions


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Anything is an improvement on the god awful Plaguecaster model! I really think an open mouthed skull would look the business! Have you got any Blight grenade heads/DG skull decorations spare, I think they would be a great choice.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my, I had no idea there was an entire thread of Death Guard conversion goodness hidden away over here as well! Fantastic work, everyone -- although starting it all off with conversions from GuitaRasmus was kinda brutal. I mean, there's no upstaging that guy, that much is for sure ;)


Anyway, here are some of my conversions. Most of then were created when Dark Imperium was just released, so the new multipart kits were not yet available.



Some kitbashed Plague Marines from back before Dark Imperium was released. I built these as a ways of holding off on spending money on the new models. Didn't work ;)




And some Plague Marines based on the WFB Putrid Blightkings, converted when those were first released a couple of years ago:




Malignant Plaguecasters:




The guy on the left is a tweaked Dark Imperium Plaguecaster, the model on the right is an older kitbash.


A champion converted from the Blightbringer model:





A Nurglite Lord on bike, sadly invalidated by the new rules:








A conversion made using the Dark Imperium Lord of Contagion:






A converted Dark Vengeance Helbrute:




The Plague Champion with the "molten" face with a new, equally ugly countenance spliced in:




And finally, a weird old model based on an old AOBR plastic Terminator and some Blightking bitz. The grafted on Blightbringer bell really suits the Realm of Chaos-style look of the model:





Sick stuff everyone! Especially Kraut as usual ;)


Not strictly 40k, but how about a little uncorrupted brother of Barbarus I stuck together over the weekend?


He was going to be a Sergeant for a Veteran Squad, but between the fancy old bolter, Bionic Arm, detailed chest plate and Scythe from a Deathshroud Terminator - I think he's going to be a Consul of some kind; what do you reckon?



  • 1 month later...

I doubt I'll ever get to use him but just for fun I converted up a death guard Moriat.


EDIT: since this was just for fun anyway,I went back and made some adjustments. His jump pack wings are a little large but I like the overall effect too much to care. Also have some homebrew rules for him now as well, after much debate with my usual gaming group. Will share if anyone is interested



  • 2 months later...

sweet stuff guys, papa nurgle is proud! here's some of mine

foul blight spawn


my deathguard chaos lord



my deathguard leviathan



my no longer deathguard biker lord



my no longer deathguard obliterator



my no longer deathguard warpsmith


my no longer deathguard havocs



i painted all of them, but i'll stick to the conversions to keep to the thread theme :biggrin.::biggrin.:

  • 4 weeks later...

Here is the same Helbrute I posted a few posts up but painted now.




@ CMDR_Welles

Yes he is a bit Anteatery. I was aiming for mosquito. But still a creepy Mosquito (or anteater) snuffling around and getting his snout into things. With horror if you don't find it scary (or creepy) it can often just seem funny, or just bad.


@ CMDR_Welles

Yes he is a bit Anteatery. I was aiming for mosquito. But still a creepy Mosquito (or anteater) snuffling around and getting his snout into things. With horror if you don't find it scary (or creepy) it can often just seem funny, or just bad.


Dont get me wrong, I love these conversions using the snout, but I cannot help but chuckle every time I see them as I remember the Anteater. I imagine they all sound like him too lol I used to love that cartoon. 

Beautiful stuff guys. I can’t get past how good these conversions are. I really don’t like converting myself... love painting but can’t really convert worth beans.


Clever use of that shin pad Ninja.


Kraken that whole thing is just... wow. :tu:

Beautiful stuff guys. I can’t get past how good these conversions are. I really don’t like converting myself... love painting but can’t really convert worth beans.


Clever use of that shin pad Ninja.


Kraken that whole thing is just... wow. :thumbsup:

There is some crazy good stuff here. This thread is an amazing resource.


Your certainly good at painting! I was reading your guide for glazing faces when I did the Helbrute. He definitely has at least two more colours thinly applied after that one. Cheers :biggrin.:  But that is exactly why this community is so great, everyone is different.


Beautiful stuff guys. I can’t get past how good these conversions are. I really don’t like converting myself... love painting but can’t really convert worth beans.

Clever use of that shin pad Ninja.

Kraken that whole thing is just... wow. :tu:


There is some crazy good stuff here. This thread is an amazing resource.


Your certainly good at painting! I was reading your guide for glazing faces when I did the Helbrute. He definitely has at least two more colours thinly applied after that one. Cheers :D  But that is exactly why this community is so great, everyone is different.

That’s very inspiring to hear... thank you.


I used to be a comic book penciller eons ago and I feel very comfortable with the painting medium, but I know my limitations and I’d have to copy a conversion like that completely to get anywhere near the cool factor you ve achieved. Heck I don’t even use Helbrutes anymore but that one makes me want to try. :tu:


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