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Does anyone run these with any kind of success? 


I'm building a Vostroyan force and as a result of not so diverse pool of infantry models I have 3 flamers and 3 grenade launchers, as well as 6 lasgun troopers as "extra" that I could use to form two SWS. 12 models would fit nicely into Valkyrie too, and flamers are among the best things you can deliver with Valkyrie in my opinion. I could also modify the grenade lauchers into meltas, which probably is a better idea.


How do you run yours?



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I use two flamer squads in a chimera.  Though a Valkyrie would probably be a better choice if you have one. Any other special weapon I would use in a vet or command squad because you'll likely get once chance to shoot and you want to make it count.

I use two flamer squads in a chimera.  Though a Valkyrie would probably be a better choice if you have one. Any other special weapon I would use in a vet or command squad because you'll likely get once chance to shoot and you want to make it count.


Good point. I could change the other squad into Command Squad. That would leave some room in Valkyrie for support characters. Astropath could be great.

If I may quote a post I made a few minutes ago in a different thread:



Special Weapons Squads don't get Demolition Charges anymore... for some reason.

UGH! :censored:, so annoying... looks like they basically don't exist at all anymore in this codex.  Why GW? WHY!?


Well, that's not quite true. Plasma is 13 points each for Vets and command squads, but still only 7 for special weapons teams. That, combined with their cheaper base cost than vets and more ablative wounds than Command squads makes them the best plasma spammers post codex. 


So yeah, plasma. With room for the occasional flamer party.

For giggles not long ago I ran some meltas in a Chimera. Snuck up on a hostile Knight behind three friendly Hellounds. The strategy was perfect. Got close, guys jumped out, walked in range, and then failed to do anything useful.


In general I’ve dropped a few cheap and dirty sniper squads whose actual role was deepstrike denial and bullet distraction. Tetris Brigade Edition. Those results have been satisfactory.

For giggles not long ago I ran some meltas in a Chimera. Snuck up on a hostile Knight behind three friendly Hellounds. The strategy was perfect. Got close, guys jumped out, walked in range, and then failed to do anything useful.


In general I’ve dropped a few cheap and dirty sniper squads whose actual role was deepstrike denial and bullet distraction. Tetris Brigade Edition. Those results have been satisfactory.

Yeah I was thinking using special teams of flamers for cheaper Brigade requirements. Im going to run a Russ heavy list but want to see if I can pull off a Brigade+Supreme Command. Cheap cheap special teams will work for that. Cheap bodies with flamers guarding my tanks rears

I like flamers.


Also, we may have lost the option for demolition charges in the codex, it's still an index option, so if you have any models with them, you can run them.


Per GW:


While the indexes are designed to cover a long history of miniatures, the codexes are designed to give you rules for the current Warhammer 40,000 range. There are a few options in the indexes for some Characters and vehicles that are no longer represented in the Citadel range – certain Dreadnought weapons that don’t come in the box, or some characters on bikes, for example.
Don’t worry though, you can still use all of these in your games if you have these older models. In these instances, use the datasheet from the index, and the most recent points published for that model and its weapons (currently, also in the index).
I think this squarely falls under the same situation as Dreadnought weapons that don't come in the box and thus do not have an option for it in the Codex.

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