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Helbrute Plasma Cannon?


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On the plus side, at least they only cause mortal wounds rather than killing him outright, and those wounds can cause him to shoot again.

Thought about that as well but the loyalist Dreadnought Plasma causes only mortal wounds as well. The wounds causing him to shoot again is a nice rules interaction I didn't think of tho.

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Actually, yes! In the 2nd Edition Codex, Heresy-era plasma weapons were presented as less stable than modern Imperial versions, and were the only plasma weapons that could actually harm the guy wielding it.

well hvy plasma could overheat on troopers too. The difference between chaos and imperial plasma was that chaos plasma always worked, and imperial plasma had to settings the meh one [not that plasma was good, outside of maybe rockets in some niche builds] and the overcharged one. And the overcharged one had a one turn cooldown [yes boys and girls, there was a time when GW though that a gun that may shot half the turns in most optimal conditions is a good idea].

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