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Has anyone had success converting the Primaris into mark IV looking marines? I really like the improved detail and proportions of the models, but I also enjoy the mark IV look. I figure the backpack is "close enough," mk IV helmets and shoulders are compatible, but the legs seem like they'd be the hardest to convert, even if you just wanted to change the knees. Does anyone know of anyone who has tried this, or something similar?



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The hardest part for you, I think, would be the knees. You'd probably have to shave and resculpt a bit. MkX already looks very MkIV-esque in some ways which is both good and bad. Good in that it'll give you less work, bad in that it'll be that much harder to make distinct.

Using MkIV backpacks and even arms/pads may go a long way as BreezyLamar showed, and to the rest depends on how perfect you want it to be.


Make sure to post pics if you figure it out :)

You've spurred me to trying this myself!  I just ordered some Intercessors and am going to have a whirl at making a Heresy era Iron Father!  Base model is already true scaled, basically, so that saves some time.


I found this link that shows a way to do Mk IV legs which could work:



I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure just shaving the lips above the knees off and sculpting some greenstuff in them would work well.

Since I did this with my first marine, I'm actually going to do this with the rest of the Primaris so I can finally get working on my custom Chapter.

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