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If you Google "Vostroyan paint recipe" or some variation of those words, you will find a huge number of results from all sorts of websites with people practically begging for a good mix of colors to reproduce the studio scheme. I was one of those people a number of times and never found anything that looked right. Various "official" recipes were tossed about, like mixing even amounts of the long gone Kommando Khaki and Graveyard Earth (did it, wasn't even close) or another claim that the studio painters used the Ogre Flesh spray can as the base, but by the time I read it, that particular spray color was already OOP


And then there's this old thing that is about as official as it gets, but it's also not the studio scheme. By the way, there's some good modeling tips in there if you click on the links for the previous 3 pages of the Vostroyan article. 


I've seen a fair number of painted Vostroyan armies over the years, and a lot of people have come up with a color that they were happy with, but I never saw a single one that was quite right; they were always a little too brown, white, or tan. I tried to find a good pic of the studio paint job but most of the ones I remember were from White Dwarf issues and it looks like not many of them made it online. Here's a Baneblade from what I'm guessing is Warhammer World. 




This is a touch too bright but I think it was taken using a flash and is obviously not in a proper setting for photographing a model, but it's pretty close to what I've been wanting for all the years since the Vostroyans were introduced. Well, I recently noticed a paint pot on my desk that would make a great starting point to reproduce this color, and I've come up with something I'm happy with using the following colors from the Privateer Press line. 




I got an empty paint pot so I could mix up a large amount of this at once and added several glass beads, some of my acrylic airbrush paint reducer (thinner), and a few drops of Liquitex Matte Medium that I thinned with some water before I put the paint in to help the different colors blend together. 

The ratio for the paint is 4 parts Trollblood Highlight to 1 part Menoth White Highlight, and using an eyedropper I added 10 drops of Thrall Flesh to reinforce that slight hint of pale green. If you're not mixing this in a large amount, I would probably skip the Thrall Flesh because it would be difficult to add such a tiny amount to a small batch. To make darker and lighter tones of this base color, simply add more Trollblood for shading and more Menoth White for highlighting.

To show how the concoction looks, I sprayed a Russ I bought already assembled a number of years ago.




I can't wait to get the Russes I bought off that guy stripped, broken down, and cleaned up so I can finally have some tanks and other vehicles in this color. 


I hope this helps anyone else who's been wanting to duplicate this color. 

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

I don't have the app but if someone can reproduce that color with Citadel paints, I'd love to see it. 


*edit* Not to worry, duz_, I have a number of Leman Russes, a few Chimeras, and a Valkyrie or two (if I can find all the pieces) that I want to get painted in this color. I'm also looking at getting some sentinels and maybe some artillery in the near future. 


Oh yeah, and this thing. 



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

Hey buddy, I just quickly scanned my old white dwarf collection that's been gathering dust since my first warhammer days....


I managed to find some editions around the Fall of Medusa campaign which was around the time Vostroyan got released if I remember. Anyway I only managed to find an infantry painting guide, no tanks unfortunately. But I haven't gone through the whole collection yet maybe there will be something hidden away. I just landed from a flight I don't have the time or energy but I'll take a full look through later see what I can find. This was issue 317 May 2006. Here are some photos if interested...




Edit: I think the quality is off it's uploaded from my phone, I'll do a better job later when I go through the whole lot...

Edited by Zectz

AHHHH! YES! Any painting guides I would love to have pics of and of course shots of the Vosty vehicles. Oh, look at those beautiful armored sentinels. Mmmm. 



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

Hey Kage if you find it the White Dwarf for January this year had paint schemes for scenery with one called "Vosroyan Fortalice" it is a basic inversion of what you are after I think


Main body - Basecoat Khorne Red then dry brush Cadian Fleshtone


Fixtures -  Basecoat Skullcrusher Brass, wash Nuln Oil then to dirty it up some Typhus Corrosion wash and then a little Nihilakh Oxide for some Verdigris in some of the corners



But the proper one you are after is HERE

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