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How to use sternguard ?

Brother Crimson

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Since the new edition I had a lot of trouble to find the use of sternguard veterans. It seems in every niche they could play they are outclassed by another unit.


For Heavy weapons: devastators are less expensive and allow to use more heavy weapons and signum.


For their special boltgun: Intercessor have similar loadout, with an extra wound per model.


For combi / special weapons: Company veteran have access to jump pack, melee weapons and shield.


Am I missing something? 

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They can ride in less expensive taxis than Intercessors... and the extra -1 AP.


Plus drop pods.  I've had a lot of fun dumping out 10 Sternguard and lighting stuff up with -2 AP.... usually only when I've run out of HS slots though.

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