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I've wanted to convert a Destroyer tank hunter for years now and was wondering if those with some playing experience can tell if it's even worth taking?


In other news, I guess my Stormblade will be a counts-as Shadowsword since that thing is broke as all hell. 

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I used one in my first 2 games of 8th. It is alright. expensive at 170 points, if it hits, It does a huge amount of damage. but the random D3 shots really sucks! with the changes to grinding advance in the new codex. even a vanquisher will outperform it and a basic russ will outperform a vanquisher.


170 points for D3 lascannon rounds is really not worth it. Which is a shame, because it is gorgeous.

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With the change to grinding advance, the destroyer tank hunter isnt really worth it anymore (arguably the same can apply to the valdor superheavy).



I suspect that they will give it grinding advance akin to the thunderer to make it comparable again as its easier then rewriting the gun stats totally (especially when so much in the index suddenly isnt as well done vs leman russ now).

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With the change to grinding advance, the destroyer tank hunter isnt really worth it anymore (arguably the same can apply to the valdor superheavy).



I suspect that they will give it grinding advance akin to the thunderer to make it comparable again as its easier then rewriting the gun stats totally (especially when so much in the index suddenly isnt as well done vs leman russ now).


I hope they give it some sniper rule (like it has in gaunts ghosts books). It just waits and then fires and wrecks a tank in one round. Would love a "if this model does not move, it can fire twice at +1 to hit" or something like that, maybe like the necron version which has 2 profiles depending on if it moves or not.

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Basically every tank in the FW index needs an FAQ, super heavies included.  They are all completely out classed by the codex ones.


Presumably, the Russes and Malcadors will get the updated grinding advance and a point decrease.  The LOW Malcador variants, Macharius, and Baneblades would get the new steal behemoth, a points drop, and a change to their primary weapons profile.  Furthermore, I think it would kind of make sense if the Macharius tanks got Grinding advance as well (instead of a different weapons profile as mentioned before).  As it stands their main guns are currently in line with the Russ weapons.


I've been wanting to do a forge world order for a thunderbolt, some annihilator turrets and one the larger tanks. Iff they put out an FAQ and do it right, some of my money will be heading their way.

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I converted one a few months ago for my DKoK:




It was easy enough to do, and I've used it in 3 games so far. The first 2 games I had great rolls and it blew up a Riptide, Ghostkeel and a Hammerhead. Against my SM opponent Land Raider, Roboute Guilliman, Predators etc.


My 3rd game I used it my Tau playing friend had learnt his lesson and focused fire on it and managed to kill it relatively quickly.


I like it, if only for the rule of cool!

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I converted a Stygies Tank Destroyer from a Leman Russ hull as it's not sold anymore. My experience with it in 8th edition has been rather good. 


-Up to 3 Shots

-60 Inch Range

-Strength 9 

-2D6 pick the highest for damage against vehicles

-13 wounds?



-No grinding advance (Though, it shouldn't need to move much). 


Stick it next to Yarrick (Or Harker, which would be good for Catachan, you can re-roll the number of shots). 


Edited by Sword_Brother
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