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I scored a 10 man box of Reivers today!:D My Primaris contingent continues to grow!

Now I have the dilemma of building them!!


I browsed through this topic in the main SM section



Didnt really help my problem. So I'm hoping my fellow Ravens can help.


Im less concerned about the grav chutes and grapnels. Ill probably model both on for rule of kewl and play as necessary. I suspect I'll use either just the grapnels or both. SftS is better than the Grav chute anyhow.


So options are bolter cabrine (S4 assault.2 24"), or combat blade (+1A)


I thought I was going to go the dakka carbine. As that is my main philosophy behind my Primaris integration. It also pairs well with out CT and they still do ok in CC with 2A base and their shock grenades.


However the heavy bolt pistol + combat blade models look awesome by comparison. Im not convinced they're better than a 10 man CC scout squad though...


I have sat down on my computer to do the numbers yet either.


Running them in squads of 10 seems to make sense for me. So no mix and matching. I'll probably get a second box at some point.


For now though CC or dakka?


If those blades were Ap-1 I'd take them in a heart beat. I think its RGs new dichotomy of being great in CC and long range which has me stumped for these units as they can potentially do both well...


Pics of painted RG Reivers would also help. :D



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Not a picture, but if you don't like the skull helmets (I think they are stupid...) I saw a good bash on the independent characters Facebook where a guy had made them all beakies which looked good


I was pretty convinced by the thread you mentioned to go carbine, as you say it's a lot of dakka and you can still support your dedicated cc units with the base attacks and the nades

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So does the effectiveness of the Carbines override the awesomeness of the blade + pistol combo look?

I'd say, the versatility does, as well as having tacticool bolters, not just regular ones. IMO, what you can't kill with 2A per model, you probably won't kill with 3A. 24" double tap range means you can always shoot at something, and have more firepower up close (which replaces the lost blade attack, at least on the charge). The heavy bolt pistol might have AP-1, but it does worse than shooting twice the number of shots, unless you target 2+ armour saves, then it's identical. And the Storm of Fire trait supports the higher shot number too.

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As much as I appreciate all your advice, I couldn't help myself...

I know it doesnt make sense, especially with my army build. But I asked myself what would RB do?

Couple of little conversions in there too. Damn monopose models...


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Two things: are CC scouts viable? I feel like they're too squishy.


Secondly: I haven't seen the kit yet but would eventually like to add them to my force. Would magnetizing them be an option? Then you can run them CC or dakka as the list building calls for.

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You could probably magnetise at the shoulder and might be able to get away with it. You'd run out of shoulder pads though.


I dont think CC scouts are any worse of this edition than last. They were never CC monsters just bully / tarpit units.

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Well, even if they're modeled on them just because they can use them doesn't mean they will use them. With that logic you better start yelling at people if their marines have grenades on them but don't ever use them...


I think the models looks great. I going to have to add some to my army when I get a chunk of my workbench stuff out of the way.

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Depends how you plan on using them !


They are a buffy bully unit with good harassment potential on weaker isolated troops.


Carbines are good for extra fire support at medium range and the close combat loadout is clearly anti weak, banking on winning the leadership war.


All load outs are viable, depending on how you want your army to play, but they only excel at being annoying.

This has tactical value :P


EDIT: They'll work best in a list designed for putting pressure against the enemy infantry and forcing your opponent to deal with them because they're closer rather than juicier targets like falls units.

Edited by GreyCrow
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