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I have 30 Kasrkin stormtroopers, with 2 meltas, 1 Plasma gun, 2 flamers, 3 grenade launchers, 5 converted HSVGs and 3 Sgts w/ powerswords.

I've been going back and forth on to go with 3 units of 10 or 6 units (10 in one and 5 units of 5). I'd be making up the Sgts with Cadian bits as well as 2 Commanders(Tempestor Primes).

Going from the Codex, If my army is battle forged, all my troops have Obsec. Grav chute and hold objectives seems like a very viable tactic, just whether going in with 10 wounds per unit or 5.


I'm looking for some constructive help, brainstorming, the usual mess that goes on with these forums :)


Thanks for your time! :)


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Allright, I can see the logic here. Additionally less chance of more special weapons fleeing the battlefield in the event of a morale check gone wrong.


Battalion Detachment

2 Tempestor Primes (chainswords and Command rods)


6 Stormtrooper Squads (5 models each)

   1 with 2 Meltas

   1 with 2 Flamers

   1 with 2 HSVG

   3 with HSVG and Grenade Launcher


I can put the 3 Sgts I currently have in with the Squads, and build 3 more sgts with Chainswoards and plasma pistols.

This leaves me with 5 models of karskin, including the lone plasma gun.

I beleive I can make up one Command squad out of these, which would keep the all Stormtrooper idea for the detachment.

I have been running a nearly pure Kasrkin list since 8th started, played them with the new rules for Tempestus on Saturday.


I personally enjoy the theme of making them a Kasrkin company with a seperate detachment for veteran Cadians and armor.


I was thinking of doing a Special Forces themed list where I use Elysians, and not using heavy vehicles.

I have been running a nearly pure Kasrkin list since 8th started, played them with the new rules for Tempestus on Saturday.


I personally enjoy the theme of making them a Kasrkin company with a seperate detachment for veteran Cadians and armor.


I was thinking of doing a Special Forces themed list where I use Elysians, and not using heavy vehicles.


Oh very nice. Using of a spearhead or a vanguard for the extra flavor? Ive been toying on trying to incorporate a Tallarn-based detachment.

Just by reading a few threads (ok alot!) I'm mostly convinced that having a pair of embedded astropaths will go along way in increasing the survivability of a few squads of kasrkins. granted can only use one pyschi power on one squad at a time, hence the pair of astropaths.


Biggest problem is that I dont haev one, let alone two. :)  Hopefully my bitz box has a good torso or two, might have to base them from catachans and use the staves as the defining feature..

The old fantasy Empire Flagellants kit was great for these sorts of miniatures: astropaths, psykers, priests, etc. I'm positive you could get a few key parts from the kit (blindfolded head, robed legs, wildly-waving arms) from an online bits seller if you need any. :)

I have been running a nearly pure Kasrkin list since 8th started, played them with the new rules for Tempestus on Saturday.


I personally enjoy the theme of making them a Kasrkin company with a seperate detachment for veteran Cadians and armor.


I was thinking of doing



I have been running a nearly pure Kasrkin list since 8th started, played them with the new rules for Tempestus on Saturday.


I personally enjoy the theme of making them a Kasrkin company with a seperate detachment for veteran Cadians and armor.


I was thinking of doing a Special Forces themed list where I use Elysians, and not using heavy vehicles.


Oh very nice. Using of a spearhead or a vanguard for the extra flavor? Ive been toying on trying to incorporate a Tallarn-based detachment.



Indeed! I was using a vanguard detachment to add some officers. My Kasrkin were put in the Company/Regiment detachment (I forgot the name right now, the one that gives you +3 CP). I had 4 full squads of Kasrkin, two valkyries, a Taurox prime and two Tempestor Primes.


The Cadians had a Tank officer in a LR Demolisher to lead it. A commissar, special weapons team with grenade launchers, veterans with flamers in a Taurox, a cheap veteran squad with a flamer and a missile launcher in a chimera, a master of ordinance and a platoon commander. For heavy I had a LR Executioner (much improved with the codex), three sentinels (two with ACs and one with a las cannon), and a basilisk.


The game on Saturday was against an Imperial soup army with Guileman, playing the relic. I used the two Valkyrie kasrkin squads to come down and act as a speed bump will causing as much damages as I could while my Taurox squad came up and took the relic. I had another Kasrkin squad in reserve while the Taurox Prime squad came up and they both formed a second speed bump. At that point he was in range for my Russes to double tap him with their main gun. In one turn the Demolisher killed a squad of custodians and left Gmain vulnerable to artillery.


While I will miss that kind of devastation, I like the idea of SF Elysian/Stormtroopers. I will probably form the Elysians into a brigade detachment and then add that company (the +3 CP one) in larger games, which my group likes playing.

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