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Chaos Spartan

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It's the core of all my lists for my World Eaters, I love it. It really does need other scary stuff on the board to make the enemy divide their fire, however. If you can survive 1 turn of shooting you're probably going to be able to drop its contents right into the enemy's face, and those 8 lascannon shots are usually good enough to obliterate something important in one volley. Not as good as the loyalist Spartan, but then again loyalists can't fill their's with Berzerkers.

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Used one with my Iron Warriors to try out the 20 tacs + support tactic to see how it works. Ended up playing against nids so never got to try the transport aspect as they got out 2nd turn and started rapid firing at stuff from the deployment line. The Spartan then instead was a gun platform and it was pretty nasty with its 8 lascannon shots + heavy bolters killing multiple big scary bugs and being a large part of clearing that end of the board. My opponent concentrated on killing infantry and my artillery support(failed at both) and ignored the Spartan.
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