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Ruinstorm 'Spoilers'

Rafen IX

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I too have mixed feelings about the book. As Indefragable mentioned, the primarchs trying to battle the ruinstorm in their own way is fun to read. Plus the screen-time Sanguinius gets is quite the copious amount. 


My favorite part is the contrast between Sanguinius and Kurze, specifically, how Sanguinius tries to beat fate and pretty much screws with Kurze's entire sense of being. 


My biggest issue comes with the recurring process of Sanguinius stuck in these 'terrible' situations and his sons keep bailing him out/replacing his potential fate with theirs. Our primarch is arguably the best out there but he can't seem to do anything by himself. 


The book made me like the Lion a lot and the sacrifice RG and LEJ make at the end of the book is written well. 


Overall, a solid read for HH and any BA fan. 

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Couple of reasons why I'm reluctant to pick up this book despite me earnestly wanting to know HOW THE HECK the Blood Angels reach Terra first and WHY the DA and UM didn't/couldn't.


1st Reason - I've not heard much positive stuff about David Annandale. Damnation of Pythos I keep hearing weird reviews about it. The 30K/40K universe is confusing enough, I hate writers who write it for the sake of making it confusing without resolving anything. 


2nd Reason - depiction of Sanguinus between James Swallow, Dan Abnett and Gav Thorpe has been ..... spotty and inconsistent in my opinion, and I rather not further spoil my view of the Angel any further. To me, he is one of the truly heroic and humble primarchs where almost no one can say bad things about, not even Horus in the depths of his heresy. All of the books by those three authours (granted, Dan Abnett only did a couple of chapters in Unremembered Empire) have failed to convey the character in a way I like. 


So I'm not sure how Annandale does the Angel justice.


Last minor reason: why in the world did they give him CURLERS in his hair? And a freaking spear that is meant to be a tear drop speartip but to me looks like an upside down valentine heart?


Here's an example of a job well done: Chris Wright's two books on the White Scars, "Scars"  and "Path of Heaven" which nicely resolved how the Scars got to Terra in two books. In the end, how does Ruinstorm compare to Path of Heaven?

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I don’t think the book is as good as ‘Path of Heaven’ or “Scars’, but the book is overall a good read. Again, Sanguinius gets the most limelight while the other legions have more characters. If you want to read a book about why they UM and DA don’t make it to Terra for that sole reason, you will be disappointed.


However, if you want to read a book that delves into the dyanmic between the Lion, Roboute, and Sanguinius then you will get more out of it. Furthermore, the ‘journey’ of Sanguinius and the hope that he doesn’t die to the hands of Horus is fairly interesting. It shows a bare Sanguinius, full of trepidation and perhaps even fear. For that reason alone, I recommend it to ANY Blood Angels fan. As I have mentioned before, the direct contrast and similarities between Kurze and Sanguinius is a solid highlight as well.


Hope that helps.

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I don’t think the book is as good as ‘Path of Heaven’ or “Scars’, but the book is overall a good read. Again, Sanguinius gets the most limelight while the other legions have more characters. If you want to read a book about why they UM and DA don’t make it to Terra for that sole reason, you will be disappointed.


However, if you want to read a book that delves into the dyanmic between the Lion, Roboute, and Sanguinius then you will get more out of it. Furthermore, the ‘journey’ of Sanguinius and the hope that he doesn’t die to the hands of Horus is fairly interesting. It shows a bare Sanguinius, full of trepidation and perhaps even fear. For that reason alone, I recommend it to ANY Blood Angels fan. As I have mentioned before, the direct contrast and similarities between Kurze and Sanguinius is a solid highlight as well.


Hope that helps.


I guess I would like to see the dynamic between the 3 primarchs, but so far anytime an author tries to portray more than one primarch at a time, the result is normally unsatisfactory when portraying such inhuman yet supposedly human enough to be corrupted and fall, beings of immense power. In particular, I don't want any more reason to hate/disrespect Lion and Guilliman anymore than most of the fanbase already does.


I maybe a Space Wolf, but I do have a healthy respect for the BA and especially Sanguinus. Maybe I'll pick this up for Christmas. 

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I don’t think the book is as good as ‘Path of Heaven’ or “Scars’, but the book is overall a good read. Again, Sanguinius gets the most limelight while the other legions have more characters. If you want to read a book about why they UM and DA don’t make it to Terra for that sole reason, you will be disappointed.


However, if you want to read a book that delves into the dyanmic between the Lion, Roboute, and Sanguinius then you will get more out of it. Furthermore, the ‘journey’ of Sanguinius and the hope that he doesn’t die to the hands of Horus is fairly interesting. It shows a bare Sanguinius, full of trepidation and perhaps even fear. For that reason alone, I recommend it to ANY Blood Angels fan. As I have mentioned before, the direct contrast and similarities between Kurze and Sanguinius is a solid highlight as well.


Hope that helps.


I guess I would like to see the dynamic between the 3 primarchs, but so far anytime an author tries to portray more than one primarch at a time, the result is normally unsatisfactory when portraying such inhuman yet supposedly human enough to be corrupted and fall, beings of immense power. In particular, I don't want any more reason to hate/disrespect Lion and Guilliman anymore than most of the fanbase already does.


I maybe a Space Wolf, but I do have a healthy respect for the BA and especially Sanguinus. Maybe I'll pick this up for Christmas. 



In terms of Primarchs, the second half has all 4 of them together -  I think Annandale does a respectful job. If anything, this book made me like the Lion more while my opinion of RG didn't change much. 


I think you'll enjoy the read. 

Edited by Sun Reaver
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I don't think most of the fanbase hate Guilliman for his character but for the way he got sold to us as player (look, everybody has to do as the other chapters primarch has written down. They also are the best and everybody wants to be like them. yadda yadda yadda). It's basically just a meme thing.

I for one really enjoyed reading the parts with Guilliman in the recent fluff like Gathering Storm and Dark Imperium.

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The hate does mainly stem from the old Ward codex of "Guilliman is the bestest at everything ever, and all Chapters wish they were Ultramarines because they love him just that much", which has since become a meme of Ultramarine-bashing, alongside "Failbaddon". His recent portrayals in Gathering Storm and the HH series have done him more justice, showing him as less of a Mary Sue.

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I don't think most of the fanbase hate Guilliman for his character but for the way he got sold to us as player (look, everybody has to do as the other chapters primarch has written down. They also are the best and everybody wants to be like them. yadda yadda yadda). It's basically just a meme thing.

I for one really enjoyed reading the parts with Guilliman in the recent fluff like Gathering Storm and Dark Imperium.


I couldn't agree more. RG is a badass in the heresy and the newer fluff.  I personally don't dislike the UM at all but most people just like to hate because they can. 

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Can't blame Ward for everything, Graham Mcneil did his part to make the Ultramarines look like by-the-book-conventional-codex retards in the Uriel Ventris models.


Thank God for Dan Abnett's "Know no Fear", which pretty much dismissed most of the smurf hate for me. I still say most of the fanbase hasn't read it and continues to diss the marines out of habit


@ Sunreaver - 4 primarchs? I thought the book was about 3: Johnson, Sanguinus and Guilliman. Who else had a cameo or sneak into the story? Oh wait, was Kurze involved considering Lion supposedly is his jailer?


Oh well, if there's a traitor primarch I can sort of sympathize, it's the grimdark Batman. The rest can go back to the warp.\\


I'm going to assume at least Raldoron, Amit and Azkaelon will be the major BA characters apart from Sanguinus in the book. Don't really care much about the golden bastard, but the other 2, especially Amit, should be interesting. Seriously Azkaelon even makes Amit look like Santa Claus.

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I hate Guilliman with a fiery passion unequalled in the modern world. If he was just another Primarch who happened to have a lot of weight put on his shoulders...then fine. If he was the sole brother to survive...ok. But instead he’s First Among Equals for 0.00 reason other than GW telling us so. He’s in an insane # of HH stories, most of which feature him doing nothing all that impressive. Coming back in Gathering Storm would even then be ok...except it totally smacks of “Spiritual Liege.” It’s not like he goes to his personal armoury...no...he just HAS to have the Emperor’s own sword. And it’s not like upon waking up he was like “some of my brothers are missing? I could sure use their help!” But rather pulls a 10,000 year old super double secret probation project out if his :cuss . And that’s part of the problem: there’s no one to compare him to. Should the Lion wake up or Russ return...how are they supposed to out-beatstick the Emperor’s Sword? Or how are they going to out-buff him?


If we were allowed to just like Guilliman on his own (like in Know No Fear), then it would be fine. But no, he has to crop up all the time. I seriously think the CEO’s kid is named Roboute or something. Why he is such a Mary Sue.


As for Azkaellon...bastard? Where does THAT come from? I can see him being accused of being boring or one note (his entire shtick seems to be “Lord Sanguinius, it’s DANGEROUS in there!”)...but a bastard? That comes out of left field.

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Can't blame Ward for everything, Graham Mcneil did his part to make the Ultramarines look like by-the-book-conventional-codex retards in the Uriel Ventris models.


Thank God for Dan Abnett's "Know no Fear", which pretty much dismissed most of the smurf hate for me. I still say most of the fanbase hasn't read it and continues to diss the marines out of habit


@ Sunreaver - 4 primarchs? I thought the book was about 3: Johnson, Sanguinus and Guilliman. Who else had a cameo or sneak into the story? Oh wait, was Kurze involved considering Lion supposedly is his jailer?


Oh well, if there's a traitor primarch I can sort of sympathize, it's the grimdark Batman. The rest can go back to the warp.\\


I'm going to assume at least Raldoron, Amit and Azkaelon will be the major BA characters apart from Sanguinus in the book. Don't really care much about the golden bastard, but the other 2, especially Amit, should be interesting. Seriously Azkaelon even makes Amit look like Santa Claus.


'Know No Fear' changed my opinion on the UM from "eh" to "wow that's pretty cool." 


Yeah, Kurze kind of gets dragged along to a lot of stuff. You'll see. 


Ral and Amit are barely in the book - it felt like the author was forced to throw them in there. Those two are my favorite so it was disappointing personally. Azkaelon probably gets the most showtime from the BA side of things as he is, as Indefragable has mentioned, always worrying about Sanguinius' safety. The other one is Captain Carminus who is the acting Master of the Fleet. The Sanguinor does get some solid action as well. 

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As for Azkaellon...bastard? Where does THAT come from? I can see him being accused of being boring or one note (his entire shtick seems to be “Lord Sanguinius, it’s DANGEROUS in there!”)...but a bastard? That comes out of left field.


Apologies if I offended you, Azkaelon being a bastard is just my personal distaste for that guy, even his attitude is perfectly sane and logical in-universe. I just hate single minded characters who are willing to cast aside all other rules apart from his own quest. Example: for the sake of Sanguinus sanity and honor, he is perfectly willing to damn Amit to eternal regret and dishonour for losing his cool and killing fellow astartes during the Signus Prime fiasco. Or that he constantly berates Raldoron with nearly no respect for the Chapter Master any time the Angel's safety is threatened, even if its not Raldoron's fault. Actually i've yet to see him respect or give a rat's a r s e about ANYBODY except Sanguinus, not even his own Sanguinary Guard.


That being said, that's his job and precisely why he is the Sanguinary Guard captain by Sanguinus personal appointment.It's just that his ultra paranoia is grating at times and as bad as how the Lion is portrayed.




Ral and Amit are barely in the book - it felt like the author was forced to throw them in there. Those two are my favorite so it was disappointing personally. Azkaelon probably gets the most showtime from the BA side of things as he is, as Indefragable has mentioned, always worrying about Sanguinius' safety. The other one is Captain Carminus who is the acting Master of the Fleet. The Sanguinor does get some solid action as well. 



OK, how the HECK is the Sanguinor in the story? Wait a minute...... without giving away spoilers, are we talking about the "logical explanation" for Sanguinor created during the Imperium Secundus, also taking part in the story, possibly on orders of the above bastard?

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True, he was just asking for non-spoiler parts, here is a more in depth response:


Sanguinius, in the grips of the Chaos-induced hallucination, is about to kill Kano. Everyone on the bridge is standing around in shock, but the Sanguinor appears and touches Sanguinius' arm, bringing him back to reality. Sanguinius thinks to himself that the Herald wasn't on the bridge before, and no one saw him enter. Later, during the final battle, he suddenly appears at Sanguinius' side while all other BA's are being tied down in a different room. Sanguinius has pinned down the demon prince Madil with his Blade Encarmine, but the fleet above them is being decimated and they need to leave Davin, which the obviously don't want to do while Sanguinius is stuck holding the demon downt. The Sanguinor takes Sanguinius' spot holding down Madil and allows the Primarchs and remaining Blood Angels to escape the planet. Sanguinius was struggling to keep Madil down, so I doubt your average Astartes could manage it for as long as the Sanguinor did
Edited by TheRealMcCagh
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True, he was just asking for non-spoiler parts, here is a more in depth response:


Sanguinius, in the grips of the Chaos-induced hallucination, is about to kill Kano. Everyone on the bridge is standing around in shock, but the Sanguinor appears and touches Sanguinius' arm, bringing him back to reality. Sanguinius thinks to himself that the Herald wasn't on the bridge before, and no one saw him enter. Later, during the final battle, he suddenly appears at Sanguinius' side while all other BA's are being tied down in a different room. Sanguinius has pinned down the demon prince Madil with his Blade Encarmine, but the fleet above them is being decimated and they leave Davin, which the obviously don't want to do while Sanguinius is stuck holding the demon downt. The Sanguinor takes Sanguinius' spot holding down Madil and allows the Primarchs and remaining Blood Angels to escape the planet. Sanguinius was struggling to keep Madil down, so I doubt your average Astartes could manage it for as long as the Sanguinor did

That's.....interesting to say the least. :huh.:

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There are certainly some strange parts that I had to read a few times to try and get what's going on. But it also gives us some of the first instances of loyal Primarchs actually understanding some parts of Chaos. Not wholesale, of course, but the power of symbols and how materium an immaterium interact. There are some scenes were it seems like thought process is 'this makes no sense, but our enemy doesn't make sense. So, in that context, this plan makes sense.'


the good half of Meros would be a cool, but the Red Angel himself seems pretty evil. I don't think he would be helping the Blood Angels out for 10k years. And the presence of the Red Angel alone led the BA contingent on Molech to commit mass suicide. He's like the yin to the Red Angel's yang (or the yang to his yin, whichever one it is)
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Ruinstorm is sort of the Apocalypse Now of the HH series so far.


A trippy voyage through the surreal that doesn’t always make sense, yet you can’t escape the experiential truth of the whole thing. When you fight an enemy that lives by symbols, sometimes symbols are your own best weapon.

Edited by Indefragable
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