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How do I beat Celestine?


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First game in the tournament next weekend will be against Celestine along with Canoness and a bunch of Battle Sisters and Dominion squads.


Celestine looks crazy hard to kill (twice).


Any thoughts, brothers?


Edit: I'm taking a Stormraven, assault centurions, bike squad with a marshall on bike, a chaplain, a venerable dread, 3 5 man crusader squads (one if those is shooty with Plas Cannon) and a couple of razorbacks.


The dread and one razorback have lascannons.

Edited by Stemplar
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I've never played against sisters so i may be way off base.


The key issue there is that (unlike mortarion or magnus) you can't shoot everything you have at her T1 and hope for the best. Also, focusing everything you have on her (be it shooting or melee) means you're not paying attention to the rest of her army.


One idea that springs to mind is that most of her efficiency is through aura (as many other characters) so try and separate her from the bulk of her troops, either by thinning down units near her or providing an appealing but resilient unit in a table corner ?

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I was thinking along similar lines. Just try and blast everything else away.


Also really important to try and focus on objectives. The game will be about getting and holding six objectives. She's one unit. So if she loses all her support she can't do too much.


Unless she wipes my guys out, of course.

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I think it's wiser to focus everything around her. She has quite the lot of wounds and comes back every monday. On the ohter hand she has only so many attacks and a heavy flamer for output, which you should be able to sustain for a few turns. Fall back out of combats you won't win to deny her a second round of attacks and draw her into more overwatch .

For the rest of sisters i got no idea, only saw celestine so far :/

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She's toughness 3, shoot twin assault cannons and hurricane bolters at her enough times and she'll fall. She is tough and you will have to focus her. However, watch out for Dominion squads inside the Sister's transport that has firing ports. Those units are absolutely disgusting.


The Repressor? It seems it's a must have for a lot of Sisters players at the moment. I don't have any at present, but want some.


As for dealing with her, well, whilst it's best to kill her as soon as possible, a compromise is to keep her from remaining within six inches of her fellow Sisters. At least that way she can't use Beacon of Faith (adds 1 to the Sisters' Shield of Faith Invulnerable rolls) and Saintly Blessings, which allows one Sisters unit to perform and additional Act of Faith.


Don't focus too much on her. Dominions and Retributor squads are better this edition, as well as regular Battle Sisters. Ignore them at your peril...

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She's toughness 3, shoot twin assault cannons and hurricane bolters at her enough times and she'll fall. She is tough and you will have to focus her. However, watch out for Dominion squads inside the Sister's transport that has firing ports. Those units are absolutely disgusting.

He's bringing 3 transports with Dominion Squads and a couple of 12 wound heavy support tanks. Ouch! All have a 6+ invul save too. So ... harder to kill.

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always concentrate all your army next to other units. And Characters should never stay alone.


If you have an Emperors Champion 3" next to another HQ you always can make a heroic intervention... She never kills 2 Space Marine Characters in one round (if you have a invul-save)

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