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I know a lot of focus is on the FAQ that just dropped, but it just got me thinking about whats sitting in the index, and a unit that I had shelved on my workbench for a bit: Roughriders.


Since they have flanking already built-in , I was thinking of kitting them out with 2 plasmas each, in 2 groups of 5 to promote fear (real or not) to go alongside some Tallarn vets springing from the flanks.


A few questions arise of course, do the RR benefit from the cheaper plasma gun entry from the codex or because they are only in the index, they get stuck with the index tax?


Also use them for late game deployment zone/objective takers as they do have a pretty good movement range and if they take fire that would otherwise be going towards vehicles/character etc, then thats just a more icing on the cake.




The Plasma Gun has the same cost in Index and Codex though? (Aside from BS3+ models in the Codex.)


Index its 7pts, and in the codex its 7pts for models with BS of 4+.. case of..read the book again *facepalm* I thiink I just though it was more in the index. lol

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