patchestheclown Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 (edited) So, I have no idea when the Ork Codex is going to be released or written but it has been exciting seeing some of the codexes that have been released and how they have typically made them a lot better. I've been thinking about things I would change for Orks and figured hey let's start workshopping it (with the full knowledge that this is all just for fun and effects GW not at all) Things I want to see: Klaws either brought down in points or made better- Make em 10 points like powerfists or keep em 25 but let Klaws be D6 damage either way will make me happy Meganobz geting changed- I love these guys but they just don't make my lists anymore because they don't stack up to what others can bring. Currently these guys clock in at T4, S5, 3 wounds, 2+ save, and their wargear is all x2 strength. 54 points base. Compare this to bullgryns who clock in at T5, S5, 3 wounds, 2+ save, and their wargear of +2 strength at 45 points base. All you get for the 9 extra points is 3 more strength, 1 less toughness, and fewer attacks, which just isnt worth it. T5 is soo strong as it will prevent a lot of small arms fire and most AT (multi-wound dealing) firepower clocks in at S8 meaning its wounding the nobz on a 2+ but the bullgryn at a 3+. Simplest change I would make is mega armor give a 2+ save and +1 toughness and drop the price by a few points, this would at least make them comparable. Anti-tank- Orks just have too little ranged AT at the moment imo. I love tankbustas (surprisingly good every game ive played) but they are expensive and only have a range of 24". Outside of them you have to turn to grot guns or Lootas (for T7 or less). I'd love an option other than running up and hitting it with a Klaw, especially since Klaws are only D3 and struggle to 100-0 a full strength vehicle. Squigs- I would love a new unit of squigs that can be taken in different flavors to fulfill a variety of tasks. Just imagine 20 or so bombsquigs that can move 10" a turn advance and charge (every time one dies though they on a 3+ they deal a mortal wound to the squad which can set off a chain reaction) Psykers- I'd love some way to use the psyker rule that adds +1 for every 10 models nearby into some super death ray or something. Like warpcharge 12 for 2D6 mortal wounds type power, something that is "crazy". Invulnerable Saves- I want some way for characters to more easily have access to an invulnerable save or disgustingly resilient type save. Mekboys with KFF and painboys are great but limiting. Something to mitigate the crappy base armor and better reflect how tough orks are in the lore. Maybe a strategem or psychic power maybe? Klan traits... DUH!! so what do you think? What do you want to see the codex fix/change/create? Edited October 23, 2017 by patchestheclown Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aothaine Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 I have always viewed Orks as the army that is fun to play. I want them to have bodies. Enough that losing 100 models in a match is nothing. Green Tide! Even the codex does some good with the Green Tide by giving Boyz +1 attack each if the unit is over 20 models. Something I would really really like to see is unit merging. Say you have two units of boyz that both get all shot up on the way in. Then they merge right before the melee. I think this would play into the swarm effect Orks have very nicely. There would have to be some limitations of course and I would think the Nobs would have to duel each other to the death before the unit can merge. But it would make for some really fun Orky mechanics. Ork vehicles should be allowed to charge after advancing and have an option for battering ram on the vehicles which allows them to cause d3 mortal wounds to units that are charged on a 6+ or something like that. I think it would really play into the "get stuck in" mentality of all Orks. The fliers should be able to have mishaps or be allowed to charge units with the fly keyword. For a similar effect as the as above to try and cause mortal wounds. Though as all things Orky it might just crash and burn giving the explodes result to all units within 6". I think they are expensive enough that people will not want them crashing but the opportunity to cause some extra mortal wounds on a flying unit would be something I would really enjoy. Meganobz need a significant points reduction or buffs. I really like the KFF and painboys. They fit the army just fine. But Allowing the KFF to affect units outside of the open-topped vehicle it is in would be a really nice change. Changing Stormboys that crash and burn after advance+assault should cause a mortal wound on the unit they were charging or another nearby unit within the charge range of the stormboy unit before charging. Warbosses need to be buffed. They are supposed to be crazy strong but attack like pillows when compared to the other leaders of armies. I want to see something like 2+/5+ 8 attacks, str 6 toughness 6 with at least 6-8 wounds. These guys should be feared in combat and be able to withstand and crush at least one dreadnought in CC. They have been bashing in heads since they were a sproutling! They deserve these changes. A new model with a big boss like appearance would be appreciated as well. I love Wyrdboys and don't think they need a change, but getting the extra three powers would be cool. Foot or Gork and Fist or Mork would be cool! Could tie into what the op was stating with the over-charge. Foot casts on like an 8+ but the fist is 13+ but the psycher suffers a perils regardless. Summoning gods is painful. Red ones go faster rule re-implemented. This is why I fell in love with these dudes. They think they go faster when painted red. Their weapons work because they think they do. They defy logic. Love it! After three codices now I think that Orks will have the following rules. Not sure which clans they will go to though. -1 to hit over 12" (Snakebites maybe?) , 6+ FNP (Goffs?) could also have something similar to the Salamanders they like expensive things right?, Can advance and shoot assault weapons with no penalty (Red Sunz?) or maybe the reroll charges like Black Templar? Absolutely love Orks and really hope to have an army of them in the near future. An Ork dex for Christmas... it would be amazing! patchestheclown 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 I'm a less is more kinda guy. so I don't want to wish list too much. I'd like a units of grot snipers, with the sniper rule. I'd like a Battle wagon able to be equipped with a number of Mek Gunz. I'd like a new wheeled or trakked vehicle that is in between the trukk and the Battle wagon in size and utility. I'd like ard boys back now that other shooty armies are getting their shooty codex(what ever the plural is.) Other than that I can't think of any thing, maybe proppa cybork body for the boss. And a 5 to 10 point reduction in the cost of the wartrakks and buggies, something light but useful. Sure a few more WAAAAAGH powers as well. In face one that shuts down enemy overwatch would be brilliant. That's where I think I'll stop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hellrender Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 Looted vehicles. I want to loot a stormraven, a leman russ punisher, a baneblade, a stormlord... and much more! But i want to loot it, and use it against their former owners. That, and i wouldn't mind something that gives us a few more different ways to play. Only green tide is boring. But green tide one day, and something else another day, thats good. also, i really like that they added power stabba's, and hope they don't go anywhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patchestheclown Posted October 24, 2017 Author Share Posted October 24, 2017 Oh man there are some great ideas here, I can't believe I forgot about looted vehicles!?!?! My dream has always been to have a "looted" version of every single model in 40k (when I win the lottery that's what I'll do). And by everything I mean EVERYTHING!! I love the idea of merging units, maybe similar to guard stratagem but like you can't exceed 30 models (or more???) I'd love flash gits not being trash tier too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 Oh man there are some great ideas here, I can't believe I forgot about looted vehicles!?!?! My dream has always been to have a "looted" version of every single model in 40k (when I win the lottery that's what I'll do). And by everything I mean EVERYTHING!! I love the idea of merging units, maybe similar to guard stratagem but like you can't exceed 30 models (or more???) I'd love flash gits not being trash tier too why not 30 or more? That would be the point ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
civsmitty Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 Looted vehicles back Dread mob! WAZDAKKA GUTSMEK AND OLD ZOGWORT. Lootas able to take looted weapons again, not just some damned "deffgun". Autohit zzap guns again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Casman Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 'Ard boyz, unless I've missed something in the Index. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
civsmitty Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 'Ard boyz, unless I've missed something in the Index. Scarboys, while we're at it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aothaine Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 Ohhh I wouldn't mind having the gun that shoots warp crazed grots into enemy tanks again as well. Could have some nifty rules like preventing the tanks from moving or firing in the next turn. Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted October 24, 2017 Share Posted October 24, 2017 Ohhh I wouldn't mind having the gun that shoots warp crazed grots into enemy tanks again as well. Could have some nifty rules like preventing the tanks from moving or firing in the next turn. It's not gone anywhere, it just doesn't used bases of snotlings for ammo anymore. :) Aothaine 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaldoth Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 (edited) Honestly, I think the index needs a huge rework. -Pretty much everything in the index is over costed for what it is capable of/compared to equivalent units in other codexes/indexes. -BS 5 army wide with no mitigation is pretty terrible, especially with as many -1/2 stacking modifiers as there are in the game. If you are shooting against a -1 modifier, you're only hitting on 6s with the majority of your units. -2 modifier, you can't hit at all. My LGS came up with a house strategem called "Dakkadakkadakka!" 2 CP, lets ork infantry units make two shooting attacks in one turn, 6s hit regardless of modifiers, can only be used once per game. It really helped Orks get some shooting done. -In an edition where you can't lock enemies into close combat, getting shot at, getting overwatch shot at you on the charge, and then having the unit you charged disengage and shoot at you again is ridiculous. I'd love to see a melee type overwatch rule for just Orks that lets them roll for attacks if an enemy falls back. Or failing that, if a unit of Orks manages to kill an entire unit, they can either charge again or consolidate up to their max move in any direction. This could be a strategem too, though really I think its more a problem with the core rules than Orks. If you fell back you shouldn't be able to shoot in your following turn IMO. -I want deffkoptas to have the option to take -either- kopta rokkits, a kill saw, or both. Their BS5 makes the rokkits unreliable with only two shots for as many points as they cost, and to take advantage of their high WS and attack profile, you've got to pay over 100 points per kopta to get a kill saw on it. Give them some damage mitigation so they don't get blown up as soon as they arrive. Another house rule we tested was "Evasive Manooverz: If the deffkopta is the target of a shooting attack and is within 24", the firing unit is at -1 to hit. This ability has no effect on Flyers." Having seen plenty of Kiowas in action, this rule makes sense. Helicopters are easier to hit when they aren't buzzing right over your head. -Chinork to be open topped, two more wounds, same evasive manooverz rule, and for it to have either some sort of special rule that allows it to fire heavy weapons without penalty or change the Rattler Kannon to an assault weapon. It hits on 6+ unless it stays still (which equals a dead chinork). Even rolling a full 24 shots with the rattler kannon, you're only going to average 4 hits with it, which is not worth the points invested. On average you'll get 12 shots, and hit with 2. A Trukk has a better statline for 76 points, so give it more wounds. Hell, a Necron Annhilation Barge is about 30 points cheaper fully kitted out, can repair one wound a turn, can flat out ignore incoming damage, and has better weapon options. It makes no sense for it not to be open topped. It's literally a flat platform between two propellers. -Let spanners repair flying vehicles they are embarked in (see Chinork). -Make Burnas D6 and not D3 hits. -Kommando sniper rifles, higher BS if they take them. -Boyz mobs that are fully equipped with shootas get a "shooty" green tide rule. Shootas become Assault 3 if they are 20+, or can at least reroll misses. -Nobz and Meganobz point reworks for obvious reasons. -Reduce the cost of PKs or make em more hurty. -Give me back my Looted Tanks. -Klan traits, obviously. Being a Blood Axe guy, I'd like to see a +1 to steal the initiative (because Blood Axes are kunnin), and some sort of buff to units that can "infiltrate" (Kommandos, Deffkoptas, Chinorks). Letting them advance and charge would be nice. Really, what the index boils down to is "can Boyz do it better." The vast majority of units are outshined by 30 boyz with a PK supported by a Warboss or getting jumped in by a Weirdboy. Edited October 25, 2017 by Kaldoth Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 Lots of good and useful stuff there. Wouldn't it be cool if Power Klaws were D6 damage! Not digging the sniper Kommandos, give me grot snipers with good BS and -1 or -2 to being hit.. I'd like the assault 3 shootas. I'd thought before that Da WAAAAGH! should do more than just enable charges. I'd really like it if it doubled the number of shots from infantry. Or had a few other things that it did to buff the army. Other little rules would make Orks really fearsom when not in close combat. Even something as light as, say Orks do get more shots with their shootas but now, give up a set number of shots to negate a -1 to hit. But also I'm thinking one of the things Da WAAAAAAAGH! should do , maybe reroll to wounds. But it shouldn't interact with ever shooting weapon the same way. I don't think I like reroll to wound with rockits vs Infantry for example, on balance. Reroll to wound vs vehicles T what ever or above I could see. Just as an example. (A boss can dream, right?!!) Oh, what about making it cancel an Overwatch ..Due to Orks shouting! I'd be delicious to add an extra shot or +1 shot for most weapons, or maybe double the d3's for Lootas and Burnas and shootas. I'm not sure how I feel about Rockits but with a few set conditions for balance, like unit size, if might be reasonable. The big thing is what's 8th edition balanced? Hard to really say at this point. And some units should come with git findas as part of their gear. Like lootas and the Big mek. the poor S.A.G. I've used it once and that was enough to know I wont use them in most games. (sadly I have like 4 of them. ) lastly I'd like more squad weapons in the Boys mobs 2 in 10 for the costs they are now and the apparent plethora of -1 and -2 to hit, why not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 I disagree that we need a "rework." Most of our stuff works well, just needs some points adjustments here and there. Klan traits and strategems will probably do a lot to help that, as well. I would like to see our vehicles improve, as they are all fairly underwhelming outside of transporting. And the big/mek guns outside of the KMK need work, hopefully with more shots to compete as opposed to the KMK getting knocked down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patchestheclown Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 Would something like the old "assault vehicle" rule be too OP on orks? My thought is: "during the charge phase an ork unit that is currently embarked in an open-topped vehicle can declare a charge on an enemy squad within 12" (measured from hull of the vehicle), first place all ork models within 3" of the vehicle, resolve overwatch, then roll for charge." Since measuring happens prior to disembarking it wouldn't be SUPER OP (imo) but would make this more similar to the valkyrie. This would help trukk boyz compete with 30 boyz since their threat range would be much greater, especially for those slower moving units (looking at you meganobz!!). And it would really make an 'ard case on your battlewagon a choice rather than an auto-include for choppy units Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted October 27, 2017 Share Posted October 27, 2017 I don't like that at all. it invalidates game rules. If your using a vehicle and a squad and wish to make a charge you already are able to charge with both the vehicle and then the unit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patchestheclown Posted October 27, 2017 Author Share Posted October 27, 2017 I wouldn't say it invalidates game rules... valkyrie's allow disembarking at any time during movement and the squad gets their full movement as well (meaning you can get bullgryns 2" away before charge phase). This is just a way to give orks a little extra flavor by being able to "get in there" by using the vehicles movement instead of their own for the charge, but it takes away the bullet magnet trukk, so its a trade-off of speed vs survive-ability. It could just be a bad rule however :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted October 27, 2017 Share Posted October 27, 2017 I wasn't aware of that. I'm not really up to date on the other armies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
civsmitty Posted October 27, 2017 Share Posted October 27, 2017 I miss the old trukk's Ramshackle rule. It was like an invul save that still awarded a kill point, with the chance to HILARIOUSLY skip off randomly and explode. patchestheclown 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aothaine Posted October 27, 2017 Share Posted October 27, 2017 but it takes away the bullet magnet trukk, so its a trade-off of speed vs survive-ability. It could just be a bad rule however Pretty sure this rule would be very thematic with Orks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patchestheclown Posted November 9, 2017 Author Share Posted November 9, 2017 So I'm beginning to hear some rumors about "Chapter Approved" and some of the points changes that are coming for marines/chaos. Apparently there are even warlord traits and strategems for Sisters & Space Wolves in it. Here's hoping that Orks get at least some sort of quick fix to bring down some points to make them more inline with other armies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legion of One Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 I just want a stratagem for 1CP with a name like Don't Push dat Button! which allows ork vehicles to automatically explode when reduced to zero wounds. patchestheclown, Warhead01 and iceman2160 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted November 13, 2017 Share Posted November 13, 2017 I just want a stratagem for 1CP with a name like Don't Push dat Button! which allows ork vehicles to automatically explode when reduced to zero wounds. And the ramshackle rule from the trukks on all the ork vehicles too. "you just never know what's going to happen". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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