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Going horde?!


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I´m wondering, as I read our codex, that our basic troops are pretty good. Has anyone tried to build a horde with them? I was thinking something around 3 or 4 units with 20 vanguards (could be rangers too) in each. They are both good and are cheap in points. I think they would be dangerous too, specially with several of our new strategums. Has anyone tried this or/and what do you think about the idea?

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I have been wondering this, maybe not a horde but certainly a few troops with the Graia dogma giving them 4+ 6++ 6+++. Especially with the points reductions this seems ok to me? Put a vehicle near em for the BSDT bonus leadership. If they get charged then run your warlord in to shoot in combat? I guess that's the vision for Graia.


Maybe I just like the idea of the mobile spider tanks/ironstriders surrounded by Skitarii moving around the board.


Pretty new myself though so interested in others opinions.

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I have used 3 10 man squads in all my (4) games in 8th.


Against melee centered enemies, they have fared acceptably.


Against shooting focused enemies, the enemies have killed 7-8 in a single round (and I had shroudpsalm), then moved on to the next unit and let morale kill the rest. 


Suffice to say, I have not been impressed.

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Well I run a Brigade with my AdMech. The Rangers and Vanguard don’t do much of anything I would classify as ‘offensive ‘. But they do okay at preventing an Alpha on your meat and potatoes.


I think it pretty much boils down to this.

I had 1 game with 3x10 Vanguard (2 full Plasma 1 full Arc) and 2x5 Rangers (with Snipers) playing as Graia FW. Graia realy helped keeping them alive and Emotionless Clarity is an amazing WLT, but still: Bolters, Heavy Bolters and Flamers hurt a lot. Opponent played the new Nurgle Drone woth the 2 "Flamer" weapons and it realy ruined 1 flank since I was not able to focus it down.

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Could a horde also mean Vanguard Detachments w/ Electropriests?  They can take up to 20 and are surprisingly durable en-masse, esp. with the right Dogma.  For real nasties, take Stygies VIII/Lucius and put them in the opponent's face turn 1.  I think that's the kind of horde that AdMech could reasonably run, though I will admit that EPriests are a bit expensive for that purpose.

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Could a horde also mean Vanguard Detachments w/ Electropriests?  They can take up to 20 and are surprisingly durable en-masse, esp. with the right Dogma.  For real nasties, take Stygies VIII/Lucius and put them in the opponent's face turn 1.  I think that's the kind of horde that AdMech could reasonably run, though I will admit that EPriests are a bit expensive for that purpose.


I used 3 units of 20 staff wielding priests under graia in  3 1500pt games and they just wouldn't die! on top of that they were pumping out mortal wounds all over the place. 

I was playing the graia doggma wrong in my first game as my brother pointed out, I was rolling for each wound suffered but he noticed it was for each model slain not the wounds! this slight change meant that in the second game was I saving quite a few more dudes.


shame I will never buy that many priests

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I'm running Jazz Hands in a 10 man squad with my Mars... the Wrath of Mars is good... but the Priests can't move fast enough to not be singled out for a beating before I get it off... so yes, Stygies is good for this. Right now Mars does tend to force people to come towards me to try to deal with my stuff, and this is where my Priests sit ready for action.


I just can't fathom a true Horde with AdMech. I have enough trouble getting super offensive units in as it is. 

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