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I would like to use a sentinel to proc overlapping fire.


If it were 'hit' then multilaser + HK would be a no brainer.


The best results will be from LR + Artillery and bigger targets of value. So high T and save.


Im still torn between AC + HK or lascannon. I cant find the points for Lascannon + HK.


Thoughts and experiences please

I'd be tempted by ML + HK, as you get a wave of double Krak for a turn and can then use the single ML as the need arises for the rest of the game (and frag missiles are quite reasonable against infantry when used by a model with mediocre BS).


Failing that, Lascannons are always a threat (even if with BS4+ that's sometimes only psychological!), and are only +10 more than the cheapest (mandatory) weapons fit you can otherwise choose.


Flamer or Autocannon have their uses too, if you have a specific task for the Sentinels in mind.


I think the Multilaser's the only weapon I wouldn't choose (and I wouldn't bother with the Chainsaw either).


I also doubt I'd use the HK with anything other than the ML or maybe the Autocannon personally, as on the whole I tend to prefer more focused and cost-effective units than more expensive general-purpose ones. I'd therefore want the HK to compliment a main weapon as much as possible, rather than taking it to try and patch over a shortcoming of a different weapon choice.

Edited by Major_Gilbear

Usually just AC. Im a Maelstrom player predominantly so they mostly fill a niche role of objective grabbers.


A lascan Sent is a good one for guarding artillery, usually wont get any attention from enemy fire and might score a lucky shot on an expensive enemy tank.

Depends on what I use them for.


Heavy flamers for melee jamming and infantry hunting, Lascannons for lucky tank popping, and Missile launchers or autocannons for the fun factor.  Autos are heavy enough that they can dent heavier units, and missile launchers for the versatility.  The one game I have played with the codex so far was with Tallarn doctrine (my army is mostly urban warfare gits, the mobility is nice), and I tried the AC and the HF sentinels; they worked very well! 

Heavy Flamer almost every time unless you play Tallarn. If you're dead set on Cadian for proccing the stratagem, sentinels might not be the best unit since bs 4+ isn't the most reliable with only one or 2 shots. At least the flamer is reliable and get's the most out of the sentinel's 9" scout move + 9" move.

Lascannon. You're only going to get 1 or 2 shots, so wasting the points on a missile launcher at less S and AP to get d6 Bolter shots you won't get a chance to use is pointless.


They also draw fire which eases the pain on the more important parts of your army.

I don't like Scout Sentinels, but if you really want to run them Autocannon is the safest bet for a reasonable chance of actually doing something.  Missile Launcher and LC are too inconsistent for the cost (and your Infantry can run them WAY better) and the HF is a joke.  The Multilaser is decent, but I feel like the AC offers more benefits and flexibility, in general.

though it does get the cheapest lascannon in the guard so you may as well take it.


Is this pure unit cost or per-Lascannon?  Because I'm pretty sure HWT kick the Scout Sentinel down a flight of stairs on points efficiency (not to mention accuracy, assuming Orders).

Heavy flamer. Depending on my list they are for DS denial or for running to deny an enemy an objective is useful too since most objective takers tend to be light cheap troops that fall easy to a heavy flamer. I have enough in my lists where sentinels tend to be low priority until they are not. Inflicted quite a few wounds on various DG infantry last game with the lone one I ran. I run catachan doctrine with my armor list and with my habitually bad rolling I use the catachan reroll constantly.
I run all armour lists so scout sents with flamers are my chaff. I have cadian armoured sents in cover with plasma cannons so I can overcharge with way less risk for shooting and artillery defence. The two chainsaws a just for points fillers. Edited by bigmic66

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