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Reroll stratagem and casting


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I am aware there was an FAQ but I play in two different groups and both swear they are playing the correct way. Say you roll double 6s on casting a psychic power. You use your stratagem for a reroll. Heres where the problem comes in. One group says according to the FAQ since the dice are added together it is a pool and thus when you use the stratagem you reroll both dice. The other group is adamant the FAQ says you reroll one of the dice out of the two. So which is it and why? I don't care either way but I would prefer things to be uniform so its one less thing I have to remember bewtween groups that is different.
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I'm pretty sure with the way it is worded, that the stratagem only rerolls a single dice. 

The FAQ says that anytime something lets you reroll a result (such as the Black Templars rerolling charge distance), then you have to reroll both dice. But the stratagem says that you reroll any single dice, not a result. So with double 6s, you would reroll only one of the 6s. 

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I'm pretty sure with the way it is worded, that the stratagem only rerolls a single dice. 

The FAQ says that anytime something lets you reroll a result (such as the Black Templars rerolling charge distance), then you have to reroll both dice. But the stratagem says that you reroll any single dice, not a result. So with double 6s, you would reroll only one of the 6s. 


This is how I have seen most groups play this as well. This allows a Black Templar some decent flexibility when a failed charge happens allowing them to use their free re-roll to redo both dice if it was just a terrible roll or use the command point to re-roll one if one was say a 6.

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... So which is it and why? ...

As always, in the OR, if you want a useful answer it helps to ask a clear and useful question. In this case you make an ambiguous reference to using a stratagem to reroll a psychic test. Which stratagem are they using?


As alluded to in the discussion on Templars and charging above, it's conditionally possible that both methods are correct depending on the specific rules invoked. Per FAQ here.


In the specific, but relatively common, case using the 're-roll a dice' strategum from the core book on pg. 242, it's just that. Re-roll one of the dice. Not the result of the test, which would be both, per the errata.

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