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Thinking of selling my Blood Angels!


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Firstly this is not a link to actual models for sale (pretty sure that would be against the rules). If I were to sell it, would it be best to sell as a whole (or big chunk) of an army, or if selling individual units would be better?


Many folk will be familiar with my army as I’ve long posted my progress here. You can see most of them here, but there are more!



Edited by Jolemai
Removed trading comment.
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Aww - that would be quite sad to see it go... 


If you must... I'd be in two minds about keeping it together or separate - 

You might actually be able to get a better total price by selling individual units at a premium, but then you have such a unique painting style that single units may not fit into a broader army. On the other hand you'd be chasing a fairly high end shopper to buy the size of army you have in total. 


Maybe fence sit and try blocks of detachment-ish size?

A few squads or units together would still work as a 'patrol' with similar paint style (and probably saves you having to do lots of individual sales. 

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That’s a good shout Ekfud, I’ll give that some thought.


As per the B&C rules trading and selling is not permitted here and I've edited the thread accordingly.

However, threads asking for advice on how best to get rid of an army are permitted. The question is though, why are you considering selling up?

Thanks for the edit and apologies for the infringement.


As to why... I’m enjoying painting my new Raptors very much and feel as though they’ve given me a new lease of life, painting-wise. I love my Blood Angels but the enjoyment for me is in the painting itself, then the models only ever come out for games (and those are few and far between).


Gaming-wise I’ve always struggled with the Blood Angels and the Raven Guard flavour has always appealed. From a gaming point of view I feel as though they’re a better fit for me. That could change with the new Codex of course!


So I figure if I’m not going to be painting more and not playing with them, they’d be better off in other hands. From a practical point of view I could do with the space, and the money will help pay for the new army!

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See, this is hilarious, Luther.


I started with Blood Angels and moved over to Raven Guard recently.  But, even though Blood Angels have seemed a bit underpowered for the last couple years, I prefer the Blood Angel playstyle to Raven Guard.  RG is just starting to really feel like a gunline army that works best manintaing the furthest distance possible and that is kinda boring compared to BA up close in your faceness.

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It'd be a shame to see these go, as I always liked the darker tones you achieved with them.


From a purely mercenary perspective, you might want to hang onto them until the BA codex is announced/released and sell them then; you'd get more interest (and better overall price) that way. I would also suggest that splitting them up will help you in terms of both selling them all as well as getting a better price.


One thing, before you decide, I would take plenty of whole army shots, and maybe some mood shots on scenery too (you know, like the old WD battle report and Codex shots). That way at least, you will always have a record of the overall force "on parade" and "in action". You may have some pictures already, but I only saw unit shots or small 3-4 unit groupings in your linked gallery. These army shots will be like gold to you in later years if you ever sell the army, trust me! :wink:





Edit: rubbish spelling!

Edited by Major_Gilbear
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Gaming-wise I’ve always struggled with the Blood Angels and the Raven Guard flavour has always appealed. From a gaming point of view I feel as though they’re a better fit for me. That could change with the new Codex of course!


I'm waiting for the new codex before deciding what to do with my BA. It's GWs last chance saloon to get them right.

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That your BA army looks as good as it does means you'll actually get some money for it, if you did part with it don't split it up. Post it up as a full army for a respectable price given the work put in and the custom aspects of the models and sit on it until "the right person" comes along. It may take a while but with how good your work is I'm sure someone would take the whole collection. You gotta do what you're interested in with this hobby unless you have unlimited storage and money to spend on new things. I just sold two full gaming tables and ~80 BA infantry essentially just to clear out space and streamline (that aspect of) my model collection. No sleep lost and I'm more stoked to do new things within a 20+ year old hobby than I was to use or even look at those older models.

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Interesting food for thought guys, thanks for the advice!


I will wait for the Codex, and in the meantime I will catalog and photograph everything, and think about price(s). I also have some half finished models that I might as well finish (and even they will not be the last Blood Angels I ever paint - don’t worry about that ;) ).


I was leaning towards selling individual units - for the reasons you guys have given above - plus I’d be worried about packing everything in one big box! But you make some good points too NTaW and I will consider that and maybe explore that option first.

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