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Played a bunch of vs. Ork games with marines, Eldar, Tau, Guard and Nids over the years and only a hand full of those games were GG on turn 2. Trust me seeing over 100 'ard boyz in a 2000 point game back in 5th ed was a bad time, no matter the force you played....

The uniforms, seeing the worlds' on imperial dime, banquets every night and the ladies all lined up for a strapping young soldier?


Also the recruiting officer had a spiffy peaked cap with a skull on it. Co-mis-sire I think he was. Quite persuasive.

The uniforms, seeing the worlds' on imperial dime, banquets every night and the ladies all lined up for a strapping young soldier?


Also the recruiting officer had a spiffy peaked cap with a skull on it. Co-mis-sire I think he was. Quite persuasive.

You sir, get a cookie for this.

I first started playing back in 2nd edition with a Space Wolf army.  I played a game against a Guard and Ork players respectively on the same day and I was just amazed by the number of models that they could field for 2000 points.  I had 3 squads, a dread and some HQ units but my opponents owned the table by sheer number of models.  That is what got me hooked on hoard armies and I bought a box of Mordians and Valhallans the same day.


Since that point the Guard has become an obsession.  A platoon to ally with my SW became two.  Then a third with a commander and a support element.  Then, I discovered tanks and artillery and realized that I am a tread head at heart.


By the end of 7th edition, using the different Imperial / Tau warzone supplements and formations I could field an entire infantry company, an infantry platoon, two tank companies, two artillery companies, four mechanized infantry companies, four stormtrooper platoons, six Valkyries, and a Superheavy company.  At the end of 7th edition it totaled out around 20,000 points.  And I haven't gotten to the point where I'm satisfied with it yet...:wink:

By the end of 7th edition, using the different Imperial / Tau warzone supplements and formations I could field an entire infantry company, an infantry platoon, two tank companies, two artillery companies, four mechanized infantry companies, four stormtrooper platoons, six Valkyries, and a Superheavy company. At the end of 7th edition it totaled out around 20,000 points. And I haven't gotten to the point where I'm satisfied with it yet...:wink:

Pics or it didn't happen! ;)

Five years as an armor officer endeared me to tanks, artillery, and the human warrior ethos. I started with space marines and still enjoy them (something about The Perfect Warrior appeals to the professional soldier in me) but it's the trillions of nameless men who die unsung and unappreciated that provide both the grimdarkness *and* the stunning inspiration that the setting provides.


This new codex, imho, embodies everything that got me into the Guard. They could have subtitled it "Shield of Fire, Shield of Faith". Impressive artillery, fearsome tanks, inspiring officers, and the loyal service of hundreds of men with guns against the night. Love all my games with the Guard.

Five years as an armor officer endeared me to tanks, artillery, and the human warrior ethos. I started with space marines and still enjoy them (something about The Perfect Warrior appeals to the professional soldier in me) but it's the trillions of nameless men who die unsung and unappreciated that provide both the grimdarkness *and* the stunning inspiration that the setting provides.


This new codex, imho, embodies everything that got me into the Guard. They could have subtitled it "Shield of Fire, Shield of Faith". Impressive artillery, fearsome tanks, inspiring officers, and the loyal service of hundreds of men with guns against the night. Love all my games with the Guard.


I may be wrong, but it sounds like a lot of military/ex-military is playing Guard.

I don't game but collect armies.


That said, what started me on Imperial Guard were the Catachan Jungle fighters. The metal miniatures were some of the best out there and they evoked images of the Vietnam war and all of the films that were generated from that... Everything from Platoon, Apocalypse now and Forest Gump, all the way to Predator and the numerous other 'creepy jungle war films'.


From those (I have a hundred and fifty+ metal Catachan, all painted up :smile.: ), I started to collect other miniatures to count as Imperial Guard... Grymn and Squats primarily.


The wonderful thing about Imperial Guard is that they are a representation of us as soldiers :smile.: .


(I am ex military as well :) ).

Edited by Inso

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