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As long as they didn't look like anything else, they would be fine by me.


My only issue sometimes with very extensive conversions (and especially in armies where every model is totally different to the established look of that army's units) is remembering what's what. As long as it's pretty clear/obvious, then no problem. :)

NORMALLY, honestly, no, I can't accept something like this, because I really can't tell what I'm looking at.  I'm not trying to be a killjoy.


BUT HERE, yes, I will accept them, because I'm so curious to figure out what they are, I want you to take them so I can look at them more.


Great work, this is some nice body horror.

My word they're hideous! Very creepy, well done. If I had to guess I'd say they were servitors but if you told be before a game they were astropaths then why the devil not. Just trying to think what you could add to make them more astropathy... Maybe a couple of very small, shrivelled arms holding a staff? A radar dish or antenna array?

I have to admit I'm with Coffee

Not sure what makes them Astropaths?

Are they AdMech ones?

How are you gonna paint them? :D


As for using them in game sure as long as they're unique and easily identifiable. :tu:

I'm not following what makes them Astropaths, but I'd be a hypocrite to deny other people's creativity.



I have to admit I'm with Coffee

Not sure what makes them Astropaths?

Are they AdMech ones?

How are you gonna paint them? :biggrin.:


Well, the idea I was running with was of individuals who'd been 'enhanced' by machinery to make them psykers. They've kept their heads, but everything else has been stripped away. They've got simply legs to move around and an array on the top to direct psychic energy (can double as a laspistol).


I initially had different heads, with exposed brains (which might have made things clearer). However, they were pretty low-quality and didn't fit very well, so I instead went with the guardsman 'respirator-head', to try and give the impression of a life-support system.


From a mechanical perspective, part of the idea was trying to strip the Astropath down to its bare essentials (you've got psychic powers and a piddly gun . . . and that's about it). 


I wanted to try and give the impression of quite pathetic creatures, basically tortured and mutilated into becoming psykers. 


(Unfortunately, this can be a little hard to get across, but I might just not be skilled enough at modelling.)



In terms of how I'm going to paint them, probably dark, rusty metal for the most part. Not sure whether I want to make the legs look partially-fleshy. I want to try and give the impression that these are largely neglected. I could even add a little blood around the joins, like they're leaking a bit (I'm a delightful person, aren't I?). I might try and paint the array/gun thing on the top a bit brighter - ideally, I'd like to give the impression of crackling psychic energy.


My word they're hideous! Very creepy, well done. If I had to guess I'd say they were servitors but if you told be before a game they were astropaths then why the devil not. Just trying to think what you could add to make them more astropathy... Maybe a couple of very small, shrivelled arms holding a staff? A radar dish or antenna array?




I specifically avoided giving them arms (and I didn't want a staff because I never use them with staffs), because I was trying to give the impression of people being turned into single-function machines, and I think arms would work against that.


The Radar Dish or Antenna Array could work though. I'll have a dig around my bits boxes and see if I can find anything appropriate. 


Thanks for the feedback, everyone. :smile.:

Hmm, I think some sort of antennae would work to help bring that across, something really esoteric. I'd also suggest getting yourself some guitar wire and a pin vice. It'll be fiddly and time-consuming, but a load of wires going into the heads from the bodies would really enhance the idea of them being cyborg slave types. I'm thinking something like the Butcher's Nails.

You know, it might help clarify what they are if they had the sort of details normally associated with, erm, "controversial" Imperial surgical-mechanical procedures.


I'm thinking things like purity seals, small chains and padlocks sealing any accessible parts closed, anchor points for chaining them up between theatres of operation, etc.


They'd also maybe benefit from having the Adeptus Astra Telepathica symbol on them - either press-moulded from some Wyrdvane Psykers, an Astropath, or painted/stencilled onto the armoured chassis somewhere.

Regarding Antenna Dishes, what about something like this:





(It's just held in place with blu-tac at the moment.)



You know, it might help clarify what they are if they had the sort of details normally associated with, erm, "controversial" Imperial surgical-mechanical procedures.
I'm thinking things like purity seals, small chains and padlocks sealing any accessible parts closed, anchor points for chaining them up between theatres of operation, etc.
They'd also maybe benefit from having the Adeptus Astra Telepathica symbol on them - either press-moulded from some Wyrdvane Psykers, an Astropath, or painted/stencilled onto the armoured chassis somewhere.


Huh, I wasn't actually aware of that symbol. My actual Astropath model doesn't seem to have it at all. :wacko.:


But yeah, I might have a go at painting it on somewhere. Probably on the 'shoulders'.

Not sure about the antenna placement there... It looks like Cartman's anal probe when it shoots out his backside!


The symbol, extra chains and purity seals would be spot on I think. I still like the idea of a really shrivelled arm holding a laspistol but I get why you don't want that.

Not sure about the antenna placement there... It looks like Cartman's anal probe when it shoots out his backside!


I'll confess to not having realised that. :sweat:



The symbol, extra chains and purity seals would be spot on I think. I still like the idea of a really shrivelled arm holding a laspistol but I get why you don't want that.


I don't think I own any purity seals, but I'll see what I can find in the way of chains. 

I would place the antenna near the gun and maybe something a bit more subtle. It seems a little big for a laspistol anyway, so it will imply a greater function to the weapon(like shooting out psychic powers).


Also a spotlight might be a nice touch, fluffwise it could represent the astropaths special ability to cancel cover.


Ooo also a servo skull attached to the head would be cool. Maybe the human heads are dead astropaths whose brains are being used as fuel to pilot servo skull controlled psychic hounds!


Regardless, you have a very cool theme here!

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