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I`m planning a Catachan Russ punisher with a pilot showin and came to conclusion the only visually sensible option is to make him a pintle weapon operator (I have a sprue of catachan h. weapons and IMO the only set of arms looking good for this scenarioare those pulling a dual trigger).

I figured there are 2 options: a tank accesories sprue or a chimera set.

I need some advice from AM/IG modellers on what to decide because IDK if the stubbers included in the mentioned sets are even compatible with the Leman Russ set.

The tank accessory sprue has a stubber and suitable crewman arms for firing it. Since the sprue also comes with various hatches, that seems to me to be the simplest solution if you're worried about parts fitting, and the other bits like track guards and such may be useful to you.


Otherwise, you can just buy the bits you need from a seller to do the conversion yourself. Example of the stubber here, and heavy weapon team arms here. It should be pretty simple to get them to work, and isn't a complicated conversion.


Failing that, why not have the stubber idle and the crewman scanning for a target or using binoculars, etc? Something like this perhaps.


genestealer stubber looks cool, but my main concern is is it gonna fit. I don`t wanna dive into to much conversion works as I have bad experiences of wasting way too many parts... I`m not big on converting, I`ts just that there`s no "official" GW Catachan driver, so...

Actually I should change the title, as the Stubber isn`t actually a must - the Catachan driver is. So, I`m open to suggestions.

Actually, a number of IG vehicle kits have crew options for both Catachans and Cadians, and this normally amounts to an alternate head. This means that Catachan crew are often in fatigues rather than bare-chested and bare-armed. The Tank Accessory Kit I linked above is exactly like this.


Whilst you can just use some spares from an infantry or HWT kit if you prefer the more traditional Catachan look, what you will likely find is that the tank crew are a little smaller so that they fit into the hatches better, and that the beefy Catachan infantry kit troops are a bit of a squeeze if you want to use them instead.


However, if you stick to head-swaps for crews, then don't forget that the Catachan Command kit has some nice head options in it that you might fancy.





I've just had another thought. If you're mostly bothered about having a Catachan crewman, why not just use a HWT guy? Use standing legs from the main infantry kit, and cut these down so that he fits in the hatch at the correct height. The pointing arms and such from the HWT kit would suit perfectly.

Edited by Major_Gilbear
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