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So I've hit a bit of a hobby slump with my DG plans.


I have Mortarion and a few other bits for Zombies ready to build, but I feel like my hype has died down. I find myself wanting to fall back to the Tzeench side of all things or to my Ad Mech.


I need some inspiration my dudes and dudettes, straight from the Plague Lord!

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In the words of the great Humungus, 'just walk away'. Put them away for a few weeks and work on something else, I find that staring at minis trying to force yourself to paint, convert or whatever it is you do with them will just frustrate you even more. Then suddenly something will click in your head and your all juiced up again. 

this is why I have two modelling hobbies - when i dont wanna do railway modelling I pick up my warhammer, and when I dont wanna do warhammer i revisit my trains.


Amazingly enough, i dont meet many women through my hobby :) but thats a bit off topic

  On 10/27/2017 at 9:45 AM, Charlo said:

So I've hit a bit of a hobby slump with my DG plans.


I have Mortarion and a few other bits for Zombies ready to build, but I feel like my hype has died down. I find myself wanting to fall back to the Tzeench side of all things or to my Ad Mech.


I need some inspiration my dudes and dudettes, straight from the Plague Lord!


Is there any way you can put to words exactly what's hindering your motivation? Anything helps. For example, if you're not stoked on how the range turned out for any reason, or if something else is just a lot more interesting to you right now, or you're having trouble nailing down what scheme or background to stick with, all of the above, etc.

I think just my excitement to do death guard has seemingly dissipated. Maybe it's the thought of painting all the rotting detail, or the fact that everything is diseased and dirty.


Maybe I need some good fluff of the Death Guard taking part in an organised dick-kicking to get the old rotten juices flowing?

Why not just remove some rot or paint them up as more weathered/the dust of ages rather than going for the studio-standard over the top rot everywhere look? Nurgle's not Tzeentch- he's the god of stagnation and entropy as much as he is DRIPPING PUS EVERYWHERE.

Yeah, give it a break. Forcing yourself to paint something you don’t want to is pretty painfull. I try to stick to one project at a time but I do pick up a “break model” for just this sort of thing.


I also like your idea of reading some fluff, a good novel usually gets me motivated. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of Death Guard stuff that I know of.

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