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+ Tyranid Army Growth Challenge +


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That's already three completed vows! Congratulations to Sabadin, Xenith, and Zujara! :tu:


Also, welcome to DexC, Ashriel, Bukimimaru, and Zujara!


I've really got nothing to show for my vow yet but I'm going to start making progress on them next week and I'll make sure I post some WIP pictures here. I highly encourage others to do the same. :)

Only a small contribution to start while I work out what will be in the army and in the work busy period before Christmas. I hope to get at least one unit done per month.


We can vow partial units, right? Say, finishing off a unit that's had a test model done?

I'm regretting having vowed ten termagants rather than doing five stealers. I'm a very slow painter, and I think I had it in my head that smaller minis would be less work. I failed to take into account that terms have seemingly infinite nooks and crannies, and that I would have been much better off with a 5 stealer banker to start. Still making slow and steady progress though.

Right, here's the two furthest along:


Not a load of progress for 12 days. Both the blue and the people will be a shade lighter when I'm done, hooves/teeth/claws will be bone. What does the hive think about colour for the weapons? I was thinking a flesh colour with a red wash, but not fully decided yet.


That's the group. All undercoated, 2 with purple and blue done, 1 complete purple coat, 5 incomplete purple and the rest just undercoated. The converted horms have more lean angle than Marc Marquez, my first idea for base weights didn't come off, but I've got more plans to stop them faceplanting.

I'd shy away from a warm flesh tone on the weapons, your main colors are colder and I think it'd look a bit odd.  You could keep it lighter, but go more pallid and it would "pop" without conflicting with the rest of the model.


edit: grammar

May have been a little too ambitious with my vow as I've really been struggling to find the motivation to paint these last few weeks.


Over the last few days I have managed to paint a Carnifex and the 8 Termagants I added to the vow.


This now gives me a week to paint my other Carnifex and the Trygon Prime. The TP is at least half done, but I'll have to paint the 'fex from scratch...

  On 11/23/2017 at 4:14 PM, Meatcaber said:

May have been a little too ambitious with my vow as I've really been struggling to find the motivation to paint these last few weeks.


Over the last few days I have managed to paint a Carnifex and the 8 Termagants I added to the vow.


This now gives me a week to paint my other Carnifex and the Trygon Prime. The TP is at least half done, but I'll have to paint the 'fex from scratch...


A rule of thumb from academia is estimate how long you think something will take, then multiply it by 3, and that's how long it will actually take.


This factors in procrastination and other things getting in the way.

  On 11/25/2017 at 11:12 AM, Chaplain Dosjetka said:

Looking forward to seeing him painted, SP. :thumbsup:

You don't have to wait long...


I was almost finished when I posted the beginning photo. I took those beginning photos at the start of the month but never got around to posting them.


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