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+ Tyranid Army Growth Challenge +


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So, I finished my vow the night of the 31st, but I have had the hardest time figuring out a new way to archive and post on my iPad (which is why the photos are so wonky in size), so I will count mine as a failure. Here’s my pics though

My last Broodlord



And a group photo for the month


With life fixing to get very hectic for a few months, this will be my only vow for the time being. Once life slacks up, I’ll come back if it’s still going. This month was fun, and really helped me flesh out my color scheme.

Small update from today...


I have started another four bases (last ones, phew!) and had to wait for washes to dry. In the meantime I have sanded all the models I need to finish for the tournament this Sunday. Ripper Swarms should be finished and based tomorrow, together with the Lictor and Screamer (Thursday). On Friday and bit of Saturday I will work on the big dudes to finish off the army. Now for some pics:





Started a Genestealer Cult army at Christmas, so I figure I may as well use this to actually get some paint on it. Gonna do them as Sons of Jormungandr.

I, Dragonlover, vow to fully paint 1 unit of 10 Neophyte Hybrids by January 31st.



  On 1/16/2018 at 12:27 AM, jbaeza94 said:

man, you have some minis that i have no idea what they are. its hard enough trying to remember the new range and weapons haha

Those old Tyranid Warriors and the 'promotions!' Broodlords in this thread are seriously awesome, especially considering what Marines looked like at the time.

So, I flunked on my December vow. After the holiday period (bit of January as well) they looked like this:


I basically got base coat and wash done on the blue and purple. Starting to see why my pile of shame is so large...

Anyway, I'll vow to complete them this month. Slowly, surely, I will actually have some fully painted Tyranids.

  On 1/16/2018 at 3:00 AM, Sabadin said:

Love those models, it's a shame the old metal 1 spinefist 1 bonesword model isn't still a valid option. Any old hormagaunts or biovores that we'll be seeing later?

I have only four or five of them. Which is not a legal unit so I need to wait until I find a 2nd or 3rd models aaand until 2019, since 2018 is a year with no model purchases ;) I got so much backlog I need to go through it. If I paint what you can see up there I will make it to 30 models (no matter the size) in less than 30 days. Which is going to be a huge one for me. So as soon as I finish my Nids I will be moving to another army Growth Challange ;)


For the nids I have:

- what you can see above

- 3 Raveners

- 2n Edition Hive Tyrant to have wings added

- 1 Warrior or 1 Lictor to be converted into a Swarmlord

- 15 Gargoyles to be painted (half way there)


Next on the list is going to be either Flesh Tearers or Tau (if their codex is announced soon), but that's for another thread ;)

@Dragonlover and @DexC - a hint:


If you are taking a photo of mostly dark models, take it on a black background or at least a dark one. Phones, unless they have a PRO or MANUAL setting, will adapt to the majority of what's in the lens - bright colours, making the dark / black models seem as flat surface ;)


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