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Chapter Relics - Post Pics!

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Just wondering what Chapter Relics people have modeled out there. I was looking to do at least a Teeth of Terra (not sure if it's a 1h or 2h Chainsword). I painted a regular sword to look like it's on fire so I guess that is my burning blade.


Has anyone modeled a chapter relic such as a Crusader's Helm or any of the others?


Looking for ideas and cool photos!

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Crusaders Helm




Looks good!


This is my banner of the emperor ascendant, I wanted it to look like the crusader had hoarded different relics.





I like all the hanging purity seals and added relics. Is that the Primaris Ancient as a base? What is his helmet?

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This is my Marshal with all the weapon relics available to Templars in C:SM


Default Weapon Equipped w/ relics on floor




Teeth of Terra



Primarch's Wrath



Shield Eternal



Burning Blade




All magnetized so that Marshal can swap weapons between games... that and he looks great with different weapon options...

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I haven't painted it yet or even built it. But I ordered a really cool helmet from forge world to be my crusaders helm. It's from the dark angels upgrade kit and it has an incense burner built right into the face, which I think is pretty cool. I image the aura effect is the scent of the incense. I'll post it when I'm not on mobile.
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This is my Marshal with all the weapon relics available to Templars in C:SM


Default Weapon Equipped w/ relics on floor




Teeth of Terra



Primarch's Wrath



Shield Eternal



Burning Blade




All magnetized so that Marshal can swap weapons between games... that and he looks great with different weapon options...


Those look awesome, what bits did you use? 


Great stuff so far everyone! Keep them coming! I need ideas!

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This is my Marshal with all the weapon relics available to Templars in C:SM


All magnetized so that Marshal can swap weapons between games... that and he looks great with different weapon options...


Those look awesome, what bits did you use? 


Great stuff so far everyone! Keep them coming! I need ideas!




Marshal main body is a Forge World Legion Praetor


Default Weapon is a Chaos Combi-Melta from the Chaos Terminator Lord sprue, cleaned of taint and re-purposed for the Emperor... and a Power Sword from the Space Marine Command Squad box


Teeth of Terra is a Forge World Mk. IV Eviscerator/Heavy Chainsword from the Power Weapon set mounted on a Thunder Hammer arm and a DA wing thingy from the Dark Angels Veteran upgrade box w/ a Scibor Miniatures Templar Shoulder Pad


Primarch's Wrath is a Land Speeder Heavy Bolter mounted on a Terminator Storm Bolter arm


Shield Eternal are two shield pieces, one is the standard big Storm Shield found in the Assault Terminator box kit, and the other is a Scibor Miniature Templar Shield, glued together and added chains for effect


Burning Blade is the GK Justicar Nemesis Great Sword equipped on the Praetor arm and Green Stuff flames for effect.


Cape is Green stuff, halo from GK box, flail is a combination of chains, DA incense stuff and a Power Axe, Thunder Hammer is standard Assault Terminator Thunder Hammer arm w/ the eagle head from the Space Marine Commander backpack,  Power Claw/Fist was a Chaos claw from the Chaos Terminator Lord box, again sanctified and re-purposed for the glory of the Emperor

Edited by Marshal_Roujakis
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I haven't painted it yet or even built it. But I ordered a really cool helmet from forge world to be my crusaders helm. It's from the dark angels upgrade kit and it has an incense burner built right into the face, which I think is pretty cool. I image the aura effect is the scent of the incense. I'll post it when I'm not on mobile.


That sounds cool, I may have to check it out too. 



This is my Marshal with all the weapon relics available to Templars in C:SM


All magnetized so that Marshal can swap weapons between games... that and he looks great with different weapon options...


Those look awesome, what bits did you use? 


Great stuff so far everyone! Keep them coming! I need ideas!




Marshal main body is a Forge World Legion Praetor


Default Weapon is a Chaos Combi-Melta from the Chaos Terminator Lord sprue, cleaned of taint and re-purposed for the Emperor... and a Power Sword from the Space Marine Command Squad box


Teeth of Terra is a Forge World Mk. IV Eviscerator/Heavy Chainsword from the Power Weapon set mounted on a Thunder Hammer arm and a DA wing thingy from the Dark Angels Veteran upgrade box w/ a Scibor Miniatures Templar Shoulder Pad


Primarch's Wrath is a Land Speeder Heavy Bolter mounted on a Terminator Storm Bolter arm


Shield Eternal are two shield pieces, one is the standard big Storm Shield found in the Assault Terminator box kit, and the other is a Scibor Miniature Templar Shield, glued together and added chains for effect


Burning Blade is the GK Justicar Nemesis Great Sword equipped on the Praetor arm and Green Stuff flames for effect.


Cape is Green stuff, halo from GK box, flail is a combination of chains, DA incense stuff and a Power Axe, Thunder Hammer is standard Assault Terminator Thunder Hammer arm w/ the eagle head from the Space Marine Commander backpack,  Power Claw/Fist was a Chaos claw from the Chaos Terminator Lord box, again sanctified and re-purposed for the glory of the Emperor



Good :cuss man, I thought the sword was the Emperor's sword from Guilliman. I need to up my green stuff game, I have a massive thing of it but I've never really attempted any sculpting.

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